国际标准化组织 18473-1-2015 特殊用途功能性颜料和填料 – 部分 1: 用于密封剂应用的纳米级碳酸钙

国际标准化组织 (国际标准化组织) 是国家标准机构的全球联合会 (ISO成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已成立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员团体都有权在委员会中派代表参加. 国际的, 与 ISO 联络的政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (国际电工委员会) 关于电气标准化的所有问题.

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负责本文件的委员会是 ISO/TC 256, 颜料, Dyes and increments.

国际标准化组织 18473 consists of the following parts under the general heading Functional pigments and increments for special applications:

— 部分 1: Nanometer calcium carbonate for sealant applications

— 部分 2: Nanoscale titanium dioxide for sunscreen applications

国际标准化组织 18473-1-2015 特殊用途功能性颜料和填料 – 部分 1: 用于密封剂应用的纳米级碳酸钙

Sealants are widely used to prevent air, gas or liquid infiltration into many industries, 包括建筑, automobiles and electronics. Increments are an important component of sealant formulations that reduce cost and improve rheological and mechanical properties. The content of increment agent varies widely and can be as high as 50% (质量分数). A common additive in sealants is calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) because it is readily available in a variety of sizes and can be used as a rheological modifier, enhancer, and sunblock. Commercial calcium carbonate can be divided into heavy calcium carbonate (GCC) and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), with three crystal structures of calcite, aragonite and spheroid aragonite. It exists in various forms, such as cubic, spherical, spindle, fibrous and acicular. Calcium carbonate with calcite crystal structure and cubic or spherical form is most widely used in sealant applications.

Nanoscale calcium carbonate (NCC) provides improved performance and additional features for a variety of sealants, including thixotropy, flame retardant, and improved durability and recyclability, and has become a major ingredient in sealant formulations. Nanoscale calcium carbonate in powder form is now easy to manufacture, mainly through the precipitation route to control size and form. The importance of surface treatment for the use of NCC in sealants cannot be overstated. Natural calcium carbonate 3 is hydrophilic. 因此, it tends to clump in organic polymers and plasticizers. NCCS, in particular, tend to aggregate more easily due to their small size and large surface area. NCCS are surface treated to give them hydrophobicity and improve their dispersion in hydrophobic systems. The surface treatment also improves the compatibility of the polymer matrix, thus improving the interface adhesion between the increment agent and the polymer.

It was found that the particle size, 比表面积, 质量分数, morphology, PH值, magnesium content, 吸油值, water content and other characteristics of the supplied nano-sized calcium carbonate affected the performance of the sealant mixed with these materials. Nanoparticles. The characteristics of NCCS that need to be detailed in relation to sealant performance arise from the following facts. 第一的, agreements between customers and suppliers do not always cover all material characteristics that affect sealant performance and/or machinability, or they are interpreted differently by customers and suppliers. 第二, nanomaterials are relatively new. Material properties may depend on the technique used to measure them. So,

ISO的这一部分 18473 lists the properties, measurements and characteristics of nanoscale calcium carbonate and is intended to aid its acceptance and application in sealants.

1 适用范围
ISO的这一部分 18473 specifies the requirements and corresponding test methods for powdered nano-sized calcium carbonate for surface treatments used in sealant applications.

2 规范性参考文件
All or part of the following documents are conventionally referenced in this document and are required for the application of this document. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用版本适用. 对于未注明日期的引文, 参考文档的新版本 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 787-2, General test methods for pigments and increments-Part 2: Determination of volatiles at 105 ℃

国际标准化组织 787-5, General test methods for pigments and increments – 部分 5: Determination of oil absorption values

国际标准化组织 787-9, General test methods for pigments and increments-Part 9: Determination of the pH value of aqueous suspensions

国际标准化组织 3262-1, coating increments — 规格及测试方法 — 部分 1: Introduction and general test methods

国际标准化组织 3262-6, paint increments-specification and test methods-Part 6: Precipitated calcium carbonate

– 国际标准化组织 9277, Determination of specific surface area of solids by gas adsorptionBET method

国际标准化组织 15528, 油漆, 清漆以及油漆和清漆的原材料 – 采样

国际标准化组织 18473-1-2015 特殊用途功能性颜料和填料 – 部分 1: 用于密封剂应用的纳米级碳酸钙

3 术语和定义
For the purposes of this part of ISO 18473, 以下术语和定义适用.

3.1 Nanoscale

尺寸范围约为 1 纳米到 100 纳米

参赛须知 1: Attributes that are not extrapolated from a larger size are usually (but not limited to) displayed within this size range. For such attributes, the size limit is considered to be approximate.

参赛须知 2: The lower limit in this definition (approximately 1 纳米) was introduced to avoid the designation of individual and small atomic groups as nanoobjects or nanostructured elements, which may imply that there is no lower limit.

3.2 Precipitate calcium carbonate

A synthetic calcium carbonate composed of triangular crystals (例如, calcite) or diamond-shaped biconical crystals (例如, aragonite)

仅标准信息部分是公开的. 查看完整内容, you will need to purchase the standard through the official channels.
