国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

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国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”


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This document was prepared by the ISO/TC 256 Technical Committee on Pigments, Dyes and Fillers.

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Nanoobjects (nanoscale pigments and fillers) can be released from paints, varnishes and tinted plastics into the surrounding air or liquids, which is an important health and safety consideration for the end user and the environment. 所以, it is important to obtain data on the tendency of tinted coatings and plastics to release nanoobjects, so that exposure [10] can be assessed, controlled, and minimized. This property may depend on the physical and chemical properties of the nanoobject and the substrate containing the nanoobject.

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

Methods currently available to assess the tendency of pigments, 清漆, and plastics to release nano-objects into the air require energy to be applied to the sample to induce wear, erosion, or comminentation, which causes the particles to diffuse into the gas phase, IE。, produce aerosols.

Due to their high sensitivity, particle number concentration and quantity weighted particle size distribution are necessary to quantify the release of nanoobjects, since particle mass depends on the cubic particle size and the mass concentration of nanoobjects is too low to detect them with currently commercially available instruments. Further measurements, such as total particle surface concentration, such as references [11] 和 [12], may help explain, 例如, health aspects. If the shape, morphology, porosity and density of the granular material is known, it can be precisely converted to different quantity types by measuring the total particle size distribution.

In addition to selecting the appropriate measuring instrument, quantitative assessment of process-induced particle release requires detailed information about the sample, the stress introduced, and the type of interconnect with the instrument. 数字 1 shows, 例如, the single stages that need to be considered when quantitatively characterizing particulate matter release in the air.

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

1 范围
This document specifies a method for experimentally determining the release of nanoscale pigments and fillers into the environment under mechanical stress in paints, varnishes and tinted plastics.

The method is used to assess whether and how many particles of defined size and distribution are released from the surface and released into the environment under stress (the type and height of applied energy).

Samples are aged, weathered, or otherwise conditioned to simulate the entire life cycle.

2 规范性引用文件
以下文件以文本方式引用,构成本文件的部分或全部要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, 新版本的参考 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 9276-1, Representation of results of particle size analysis – 部分 1: Graphical representation

ISO/TS 80004-1, nanotechnology – 词汇 – 部分 1: Core terms

ISO/TS 80004-2, nanotechnology – 词汇 – 部分 2: Nano-objects

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

3 术语和定义
就本文件而言, the terms and definitions given in ISO/TS 80004-1, ISO/TS 80004-2 并且以下文章适用.

3.1 General terms and definitions

3.1.1 Aerosols

A system of solid or liquid particles suspended in a gas

[来源: 国际标准化组织 15900:2009, 2.1]

3.1.2 纳米级

The length ranges from about 1 纳米到 100 纳米

笔记 1: Properties that are not extrapolated from larger sizes are mainly represented in this length range.

[来源: ISO/TS 80004-1:2015, 2.1]

3.1.3 Nanoparticles

For nanoobjects (3.1.4), all external dimensions are at the nanoscale (3.1.2), where the length of the longest and shortest axis of the nanoobject is not significantly different

笔记 1: If the size difference is large (usually more than 3x), terms such as nanofibers or nanoplates may be superior to the term nanoparticles.

[来源: ISO/TS 80004-2:2015, 4.4]

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

3.1.4 纳米物体

Discrete materials with one, two or three external dimensions at the nanoscale (3.1.2)

笔记 1: The second and third external dimensions are orthogonal to the first dimension and to each other.

[来源: ISO/TS 80004-1:2015, 2.5]

3.1.5 画

A tinted coating material, when applied to a substrate, forms an opaque dry film with protective, decorative or specific technical properties

[来源: 国际标准化组织 4618:2014, 2.184]

3.1.6 Equivalent spherical diameter x

The diameter of the sphere has the same physical properties as the particles being measured

笔记 1: 例如, the physical properties are the same as the sedimentation rate or the displacement volume or projection area of the electrolyte solution under the microscope.

笔记 2: The physical properties referred to by the equivalent diameter should be expressed using appropriate subscripts, such as x S for the equivalent surface area diameter or xV for the equivalent volume diameter.

[来源: 国际标准化组织 26824:2013, 1.6]

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

3.1.7 粒度分布. PSD

The cumulative distribution of material fractions less than a given particle size (size too small), expressed by the distribution density of material fractions in an equivalent spherical diameter or other linear size or size class divided by the width of the class

笔记 1: Particle size distribution is described in ISO 9276-1.

3.1.8 Condensed particle counter

Instruments for measuring aerosol particle number concentrations (3.1.1)

笔记 1: The particle size detected is usually less than a few hundred nanometers and larger than a few nanometers.

笔记 2: CPC is a possible detector for use with DEMC.

笔记 3: 在某些情况下, a condensed particle counter may be called a condensed matter nucleus counter (CNC).

[来源: 国际标准化组织 15900:2009, 2.5]

3.1.9 Differential electromobility classifier

A classifier capable of selecting aerosol (3.1.1) particles based on electromobility and passing them to the outlet

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

笔记 1: DEMC classifies aerosol particle sizes by balancing the electrical power on each particle with its aerodynamic resistance in an electric field. Classified particles fall within a narrow range of electromobility determined by the operating conditions and physical size of the DEMC, while they can have different sizes due to the amount of charge they have.

[来源: 国际标准化组织 15900:2009, 2.7]

3.1.10 Differential mobility analysis system DMAS

System for measuring sub-micron aerosol (3.1.1) particle size distribution, consisting of DEMC, flow meter, particle detector, interconnecting pipe, computer and suitable software

[来源: 国际标准化组织 15900:2009, 2.8]

3.2 Specific terms and definitions

3.2.1 Particle release in paints, 清漆和塑料

Due to mechanical stress, materials are transferred from paints, varnishes and plastics to liquids or gases

3.2.2 Particle number Release n

The total number of particles within a specified size range that are released from the specimen due to mechanical stress

3.2.3 The number of particles in a specific area releases nA

Particle number release (3.2.2), divided by the stressed surface area of the specimen

3.2.4 Mass release by particle number

Number of particles released (3.2.2), divided by the mass of material removed

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

3.2.5 Total volume flow

Volume flow, which absorbs all air transport emissions at the particle source and transfers them

3.2.6 Particle number concentration nV

Number of particles per volume of air

3.2.7 Process concentration

Particle number concentration (3.2.6), total volume flow rate due to mechanical stress on the specimen (3.2.5), and particle number release (3.2.2)

3.2.8 Measuring concentration

The particle number concentration (3.2.6) is calibrated by a specified process concentration dilution (3.2.7) to establish better conditions for aerosol analysis

3.2.9 Concentration of model room

Particle number concentration (3.2.6), which results from the release of particle number in a specific area under better mixing conditions at a specified room height (3.2.3)

笔记 1: Intermodel concentrations are independent of the selected test conditions and represent reference concentrations for actual particle number concentrations (例如, particle pollution in a laboratory) when the intermodel heights are carefully selected.

国际标准化组织 21683-2019 “从涂料中释放纳米物体, 通过实验模拟清漆和有色塑料来测定颜料和填料”

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