国际标准化组织 18909-2022 摄影 – 彩色摄影胶片和印刷品的加工品 – 测量图像稳定性的方法

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用于开发本文件的程序以及用于进一步维护的程序在第 1 部分中进行了描述。 1 ISO/IEC 指令的. 尤其, 注意不同类型的 ISO 文件所需的不同批准标准. This document has been drafted in accordance with the editing rules in Part 2 ISO/IEC 指令的 (see www.iso.org/directives).

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This document was prepared by the Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, 摄影.

第二版取消并取代第一版 (国际标准化组织 18909:2006), which was a minor revision. The changes are as follows:

incorporated corrections published in 2006, 和

Has been updated to adjust and complement the testing methods for digital printed materials.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at www.iso.org/members.html.

This document is divided into two parts. The first methods and procedures covering the prediction of the long-term dark storage stability of color photographic images; The second part describes the methods and procedures for measuring the color stability of such images exposed to light of specified intensity and spectral distribution at specified temperatures and relative humidity.

今天, most continuous tone photographs are made with color photographic materials. The length of time such photos are stored can range from a few days to hundreds of years, and the importance of image stability can be correspondingly small or large. Often, the ultimate purpose of a particular photograph may not be known in the first place. Knowing how long a color photo will last is important for many users, especially since stability requirements often vary from application to application. It is important for museums, archives, and others responsible for the care of color photographic materials to understand how they behave under various storage and display conditions if they are to be maintained in good long-term condition.

Organic cyan, magenta, and yellow dyes are dispersed in a transparent adhesive layer coated on a transparent or white opaque carrier, forming the image of most modern color photographs. Color photography dye images usually fade during storage and display; They also usually alter the color balance, as the three image dyes rarely fade at the same rate. 此外, yellowish (or occasionally other colored) stains may form, and physical degradation, such as embrittlement and cracking of the support and image layers, may occur. Fading and staining rates can vary greatly depending on the inherent stability of the color photographic material and the conditions under which the photo is stored and displayed. The quality of chemical processing is another important factor. Post-processing, such as painting, plastic laminate, and color modification, may also affect the stability of the color material.

影响存储行为或暗稳定性的两个主要因素是进入照片的空气的温度和相对湿度. 高温, 特别是当与高相对湿度结合时, 加速导致一种或多种图像染料降解的化学反应. 另一方面, 低温低湿保存可大大延长摄影彩色图像的寿命. 图像质量下降的其他潜在原因是大气污染物 (例如氧化性气体和还原性气体), 微生物, 和昆虫.

主要是光照强度, 暴露在光下的时间, 影响室内或室外显示彩色照片稳定性的照明和环境条件的光谱分布. (然而, 通常,在显示过程中也会发生较慢的暗褪色和染色反应,并可能导致图像质量的整体变化). 紫外线 (紫外线) 辐射对某些类型的彩色照片特别有害,并可能导致塑料层快速褪色和降解, 例如树脂涂层的有色聚乙烯层 (RC) 纸载体.

在实践中, 彩色照片在不同温度下存储和显示, 相对湿度, 和照明组合以及不同的时间长度. 所以, 除非事先知道特定的存储和显示条件,否则不可能准确预测给定类型摄影材料的使用寿命. 此外, 可接受的变化量因观看者而异,并受到场景类型以及图像的色调和颜色质量的影响.

对遭受不同程度褪色或染色的业余和专业彩色照片进行广泛检查后, 对于各种图像质量标准的可接受的改变尚未达成共识. 所以, 本文件未规定可接受的褪色和色彩平衡变化终点. 一般来说, 然而, 整体图像密度变化的可接受限度是色彩平衡变化的可接受限度的两倍. 所以, 本文档中使用不同的标准作为示例来预测图像密度和色彩平衡的变化.

图形测试有助于评估明暗调节器稳定性测试期间发生的视觉变化, 但不包含在本文档中,因为没有一个场景可以代表摄影中实际遇到的各种场景.

常温避光保存, 大多数现代彩色胶片和纸张的图像褪色和染色速度太慢,无法仅通过测量样本随时间的变化来评估暗存储稳定性. 在这种情况下, 需要很多年才能获得有意义的稳定性数据. 然而, 通过在高温下进行加速老化测试,可以在相对较短的时间内评估中低温下可能的长期褪色和染色行为. 相对湿度的影响也可以通过在两个或多个湿度水平下进行高温测试来评估.

相似地, 有关彩色照片光学稳定性的信息可以通过加速光学稳定性测试获得. 这些需要配备高强度光源的特殊测试装置, 试纸条可以暴露数天, 周, 数月甚至数年才能产生所需的图像褪色量 (或染色). 在整个测试期间应控制样品的温度及其水分含量, 以及为产生与正常使用条件下获得的数据令人满意地相关的数据而选择的光源类型.

用于预测正常显示条件下照相彩色图像行为的加速光学稳定性测试可能会因互易失败而变得复杂. 当应用于光致褪色和彩色图像染色时, 互易失效是指许多染料在暴露于高强度光或低强度光时无法褪色或形成污点, 即使总曝光量 (强度×时间) 通过适当调整曝光时间保持不变 (see Reference [1]). Under accelerated conditions, the degree of dye fading and dye formation can be greater or smaller, depending on the photochemical reactions involved in dye degradation, the kind of dye dispersion, the nature of the binder material, and other variables. 例如, in accelerated testing, the supply of oxygen that can diffuse from the surrounding atmosphere to the emulsion layer containing the image in the photo may be limited (dry gelatin is an excellent oxygen barrier). This may change the rate at which the dye fades, rather than what would occur under normal display conditions. The temperature and moisture content of the sample also affect the degree of reciprocity failure. 此外, light fading is affected by the exposure mode (continuous versus intermittent) and the light/dark cycle rate.

For all these reasons, long-term changes in image density, color balance, and stain levels can be reasonably estimated only under conditions similar to those used in accelerated tests, or when a good correlation has been confirmed between accelerated tests and actual conditions of use.

To determine the validity of the test methods for evaluating the dark and light stability of different types of photographic color film and paper, the following product types were selected for testing:

A) Color negative film with oil soluble coupler;

乙) Color negative preprinting and negative films with oil soluble coupler;

C) Color reversal film with oil-soluble coupler;

d) Color reversal film with Fischer type coupler;

e) Color reversal film with coupler in developer;

F) Silver dye bleached film and printed matter;

G) Colour prints with oil-soluble couplings;

H) colour motion picture printing film with oil-soluble coupler;

我) color dye absorption (dye transfer) 印刷;

j) Integral color instant printing film with dye developer;

k) Peel color instant printing film with dye developer;

我) Integral color instant print film with dye releaser.

The results of extensive testing using these materials indicate that the methods and procedures in this document can be used to obtain meaningful information about the long-term dark and light stability of color photographs made with specific products. They can also be used to compare the stability of color photographs made using different products and to access the effects of processing changes or post-processing. The accuracy of predictions based on such accelerated burn-in tests will depend largely on the actual storage or display conditions.

还应该记住,由测试条件引起并在测试期间和测试后测量的密度变化包括薄膜或纸载体以及可能包含在特定产品中的各种辅助层的密度变化. 对于大多数材料, 然而, 染料成像层发生显着变化.


预测彩色摄影图像在黑暗存储中的稳定性的测试基于 Bard 等人描述的阿伦尼乌斯方法的改编. [2][3]) 以及阿累尼乌斯的早期参考文献, 施泰格, 等人. (参见参考文献 [4], [5], 和 [6]). 尽管这种方法源自众所周知且经过验证的化学理论规则, 其预测摄影图像变化的有效性取决于经验证实. 尽管许多显色产品在加速和非加速暗老化测试中都会产生图像褪色和染色数据, 这与阿累尼乌斯关系密切吻合, 其他类型的产品没有.

笔记, 例如, 单片即时彩色印刷材料在高温下通常表现出非典型沾色; 在高于 80°C 和 60%RH 的温度下处理某些彩色显影材料会导致高沸点溶剂损失和图像异常劣化. 银染料漂白图像的染料在非常高的温度和高相对湿度的结合下分解, 导致色彩平衡和饱和度发生异常变化 (参见参考资料 [7]). 一般来说, 照相材料在相对湿度高于 60% (特别是在加速测试中使用的高温下) 由于明胶物理性质的变化.



然而, 由于本简介中讨论的互易失败, 这个假设并不总是适用. 所以, 本文件中描述的加速光学稳定性测试方法在规定的加速测试条件下有效, 但可能无法可靠地预测正常条件下长时间展示的给定产品的行为.

设计用于观察反射或透射光的半透明印刷材料 (或反射光和透射光的组合) 应评估为透明薄膜或反射印刷品, 取决于它们的使用方式. 应报告每种预期使用条件的数据.


1 范围

This document is applicable to color photographic images made using traditional continuous tone photographic materials, as well as images formed with dyes. These images were generated using color rendering, silver dye bleach, dye transfer, and dye diffusion transfer real-time systems. These tests have not been validated to assess the stability of color images produced using dry ink and liquid toner electrophotography, thermal dye transfer (sometimes called dye sublimation), inkjet, pigment gelatin systems, offset lithography, intaglio printing, and related color imaging systems. If these reflective printing materials (including silver halide (color rendering)) are digitally printed, refer to ISO 18936, 国际标准化组织 18941, 国际标准化组织 18946 和ISO 18949 for dark stability testing, and to ISO 18937 series for light stability testing.

This document does not include procedures for testing the physical stability of image, carrier or adhesive materials. 然而, it is recognized that in some cases, physical degradation, such as carrier embrittlement, emulsion cracking or the layering of the image layer with its carrier, rather than image stability, will determine the service life of color film or printed material.

2 规范性引用文件
文中引用下列文件,其部分或全部内容构成本文件的要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, the latest version of the reference (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 5-2, Photographic and graphic techniquesDensity measurement – 部分 2: Geometric conditions for transmittance density

国际标准化组织 5-3, Photographic and graphic techniquesDensity measurement – 部分 3: Spectral conditions

国际标准化组织 5-4, Photographic and graphic techniquesDensity measurement – 部分 4: Geometric conditions for reflection density

国际标准化组织 18911, Imaging MaterialsProcessing safe photographic filmStorage practice

国际标准化组织 18913, Imaging materialsPersistence — 词汇

仅标准信息部分是公开的. 查看完整内容, 需要通过官方渠道购买标准.
