国际标准化组织 21968-2019 “相敏涡流法测量金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属涂层的涂层厚度”

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用于开发本文件的程序以及用于进一步维护的程序在第 1 部分中进行了描述。 1 ISO/IEC 指令的. 尤其, 应注意不同类型ISO文件所需的不同批准标准. 本文件根据 ISO/IEC 指令部分的编辑规则起草 2 (请参阅 iso.org/directives).

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国际标准化组织 21968-2019 “相敏涡流法测量金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属涂层的涂层厚度”


自主性, 相关标准和合格评定相关的ISO特定术语和表达的含义以及ISO在技术性贸易壁垒中的含义 (技术性贸易壁垒) 坚持世界贸易组织原则 (世贸组织) 信息, please see the iso.org/iso/foreword.html.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/107, Metal and other Inorganic Coatings.

The second edition cancelled and replaced the technically revised first edition (国际标准化组织 21968:2005). The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

国际标准化组织 21968-2019 “相敏涡流法测量金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属涂层的涂层厚度”

This document has been adapted to the current requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 (也称为 “胶: 1995”);

Added hints, practical examples, and simple estimates of measurement uncertainties for important factors;

Added repeatability and reproducibility values for typical applications of the method;

The attachment has been expanded for further application and experimental estimation of factors affecting accuracy.

有关本文件的任何反馈或问题应直接提交给用户的国家标准机构. A complete list of these institutions can be found at iso.org/members.html.

国际标准化组织 21968-2019 “相敏涡流法测量金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属涂层的涂层厚度”

1 范围
This document specifies a method for non-destructive measurement of the thickness of non-magnetic metal coatings on metal and non-metallic base materials using a phase-sensitive eddy current instrument, 例如:

A) Zinc, 镉, 铜, tin or chromium on steel;

乙) Copper or silver on composites.

Compared to the amplitude-sensitive eddy current method specified in ISO 2360, the phase-sensitive method can be applied to smaller surface areas and stronger surface curvature without thickness errors and is less affected by the magnetic properties of the underlying material. 然而, the phase-sensitive method is more affected by the electrical properties of the coating material.

In this document, the term “涂层” is used for materials such as paints and varnishes, 电镀涂料, 搪瓷涂料, 塑料涂料, overcoats and powder coatings.

This method is especially suitable for the measurement of metal coating thickness. These coatings can be non-magnetic metal coatings on non-conductive, conductive, or magnetic substrates, or magnetic coatings on non-conductive or conductive substrates.

Metal coating measurements for metal-based materials are valid only if the product of the conductivity and permeability (σ, μ) of one of the materials is at least twice the product of the conductivity and permeability of the other material. The relative permeability of non-ferromagnetic materials is 1.

国际标准化组织 21968-2019 “相敏涡流法测量金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属涂层的涂层厚度”

2 规范性引用文件
以下文件以文本方式引用,构成本文件的部分或全部要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, 新版本的参考 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 2064, Metallic and other Inorganic coatings – 与厚度测量相关的定义和实践

国际标准化组织 4618, 油漆和清漆 – 术语和定义

ISO/IEC 指南 98-3, 测量不确定度 – 部分 3: Guidance for the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (胶: 1995)

3 术语和定义
就本文件而言, ISO 中给出的术语和定义 2064, 国际标准化组织 4618 并且以下文章适用.

国际标准化组织 21968-2019 “相敏涡流法测量金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属涂层的涂层厚度”

3.1 测量系统的调整

A set of operations performed on a measurement system so that it provides a prescribed indication corresponding to a given value of the quantity to be measured

笔记 1: The type of adjustment of a measuring system may include zero adjustment, offset adjustment, and range adjustment (有时称为增益调整) of the measuring system.

笔记 2: 测量系统的调整不应与校准混淆 (3.2), 这是调整的前提.

笔记 3: After adjusting the measuring system, the measuring system should usually be recalibrated.

笔记 4: Colloquially, the term “校准” is often incorrectly used instead of the term “调整”. 相似地, 条款 “确认” 和 “checkare often used in place of the correct terms “校准”.

[来源: ISO/IEC 指南 99:2007, 3.11 (也称为 “维姆”), 修改的 – article note 4 添加.

3.2 校准

Under specified conditions, the first step establishes a relationship between a quantitative value with the measurement uncertainty provided by the measurement standard and the corresponding indication with the relevant measurement uncertainty, and the second step uses this information to establish a relationship in order to obtain the measurement result from the indication

国际标准化组织 21968-2019 “相敏涡流法测量金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属涂层的涂层厚度”

笔记 1: 校准可以用句子来表达, 校准功能, calibration diagrams, 校准曲线, 或校准表. 在某些情况下, it may include addition or multiplication correction for indications with associated measurement uncertainty.

笔记 2: 校准不应与测量系统的调整相混淆 (3.1), often incorrectly referred to as “自校准”, nor should it be confused with calibration verification.

笔记 3: 一般来说, 上述定义中的第一步本身就是校准.

[来源: ISO/IEC 指南 99:2007, 2.39 (也称为 “维姆”)]

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