国际标准化组织 8130-4-2021 – 粉末涂料 – 部分 4: 爆炸下限的计算

国际标准化组织 8130-4:2021 “粉末涂料 – 部分 4: 爆炸下限的计算” (国标/T 21782.4-2008) provides a calculation method of the lower explosion limit of powder coatings, 那是, the minimum concentration of powder coatings in the air can form an explosive mixture.
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用于制定本文件的程序以及用于进一步维护的程序在第 1 部分中进行了描述。 1 ISO/IEC 指令的. 尤其, 应注意不同类型ISO文件所需的不同批准标准. 本文件根据部分编辑规则起草 2 ISO/IEC 指令的 (请参阅 iso.org/directives).

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国际标准化组织 8130-4-2021 – 粉末涂料 – 部分 4: 爆炸下限的计算

This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35 (油漆和清漆), 小组委员会SC 9, General test methods for paints and fading, in cooperation with the European Committee for Standardization (欧洲标准化委员会) CEN/TC技术委员会 139, 油漆和清漆, in accordance with the Technical Cooperation Agreement (维也纳协定) between ISO and CEN.

The second edition removes and replaces the technically revised first edition (国际标准化组织 8130-4:1992) 和ISO 8130-4 技术修正 1:1993.


The range has been modified to distinguish between the calculation and estimation of the lower explosion limit;

The definition of lower explosion limit (3.1) of coating powder is clarified, and short-term LEL is introduced;

SI unit of lower explosion limit has been corrected;

The test report (Article 8) shall indicate whether the lower explosion limit has been calculated or estimated;

The bibliography contains two new references;

– 文字已被编辑和修改, 并更新了规范性引用文件;

-Some text has been moved from scope to introduction.

ISO 中所有部分的列表 8130 系列可以在 ISO 网站上找到.

有关本文件的任何反馈或问题应直接提交给用户的国家标准机构. A full list of these agencies can be found at iso.org/members.html.

国际标准化组织 8130-4-2021 – 粉末涂料 – 部分 4: 爆炸下限的计算

Reliable methods of measuring the lower explosive limit or total calorific value require the use of special equipment that may not be readily available.

国际标准化组织 6184-1 gives the method for determining the explosive index of combustible dust in air. 然而, this approach is very complex and requires considerable expertise.

The lower explosion limit can also be estimated by the sum of the total calorific value of the individual components in the paint powder. This is an estimate because it is not possible to know or obtain the total calorific value of the ingredients.

This calculation method can reduce the explosion limit, which is proved to be satisfactory when applied to coating application equipment.

Caution encourages comparison with direct methods (例如. 在 14034-3[2]) to determine the lower explosion limit.

1 范围
This document specifies the method for calculating the lower explosive limit of paint powder, 那是, the minimum concentration of paint powder in air to form explosive mixtures. It is based on the measurement of the total calorific value of the product, determined by the method described in ISO 1928.

国际标准化组织 8130-4-2021 – 粉末涂料 – 部分 4: 爆炸下限的计算

2 规范性引用文件

文中引用下列文件,其部分或全部内容构成本文件的要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, 新版本的参考 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 1928, coal and cokeDetermination of gross calorific value

国际标准化组织 8130-14, 涂料粉末 — 部分 14: 词汇

国际标准化组织 15528, 油漆, 清漆以及油漆和清漆的原材料 – 采样

3 术语和定义

就本文件而言, ISO 中给出的术语和定义 8130-14 并且以下内容适用.

ISO 和 IEC 在以下地址维护标准化术语数据库:

– ISO在线浏览平台: 参见 iso.org/obp

– IEC电子百科全书: 可以在 electropedia.org/ 上找到

3.1 Lower explosion limit
By Lyle

Powder The minimum concentration of paint powder as a mixture of powder and air below which explosion is not possible

笔记 1: The lower limit of explosion is expressed as g/cubic meter (g ⋅ m-3).

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