国际标准化组织 8504-2-2019 “使用油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的准备 – 表面处理方法 – 部分 2: 喷砂

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国际标准化组织 8504-2-2019 “使用油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的准备 – 表面处理方法 – 部分 2: 喷砂

自主性, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (技术性贸易壁垒) 坚持世界贸易组织原则 (世贸组织) 信息, please refer to the iso.org/iso/foreword.html.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, 油漆和清漆, 小组委员会SC 12, Preparing steel substrates prior to the application of paints and related products.

第三版取消并取代了经过技术修订的第二版 (国际标准化组织 8504-2:2000). The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

Updating Article 2, normative reference;

Edit and revise.

ISO 中所有部件的列表 8504 系列可以在 ISO 网站上找到.

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国际标准化组织 8504-2-2019 “使用油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的准备 – 表面处理方法 – 部分 2: 喷砂

The protective coating properties of paint and related products applied to steel are significantly affected by the surface state of the steel before coating. The main factors known to affect this performance are

The presence of rust and dirt,

The presence of surface contaminants, 包括盐, 灰尘, 油和油脂, 和

Surface outline.

国际标准化组织 8501 series, 国际标准化组织 8502 series and ISO 8503 series provide methods for assessing these factors, 而ISO 8504 series provides requirements and guidance for preparation methods that can be used to clean steel substrates, indicating the ability of each method to achieve a specified level of cleanliness.

国际标准化组织 8504 series is suitable for new and corroded steel surfaces as well as uncoated or previously coated steel surfaces with paints and related products.

These international standards do not contain provisions for protective coating systems applied to steel surfaces. They do not contain provisions for surface quality requirements for specific cases, 尽管表面质量可以直接影响要应用的保护涂层的选择及其性能. These provisions are found in other documents such as national standards and codes of practice. Users of these international standards should ensure the prescribed quality

– 与钢材所暴露的环境条件以及所使用的保护涂层系统兼容并适合, 和

– 在规定的清洁程序的能力范围内.

表面处理的主要目的是确保去除有害物质并获得使底漆与钢材有令人满意的附着力的表面. 它还旨在帮助减少引起腐蚀的污染物量.

国际标准化组织 8504-2-2019 “使用油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的准备 – 表面处理方法 – 部分 2: 喷砂

喷砂清理是机械表面处理的有效方法. 它被广泛使用,因为这种表面处理方法具有以下列出的许多多功能功能.

– 该方法可实现高生产率.


This method is suitable for most types and forms of steel surfaces.

Many different surface states can be produced, such as different preparation grades and surface profiles.

Can produce cleaning, shot peening, coarsening, smooth grinding and other effects.

Can selectively remove partially failed coatings, leaving the sound coating intact.

Abrasive bounce (rebound) can clean areas that would otherwise be inaccessible.

国际标准化组织 8504-2-2019 “使用油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的准备 – 表面处理方法 – 部分 2: 喷砂

1 范围
This document specifies a sandblasting cleaning method for preparing steel surfaces prior to application of paint and related products. It provides information about the effectiveness of each method and its field of application. It describes the equipment to be used and the procedures to be followed.

Note that these methods are mainly used for hot rolled steel to remove mill scale, rust, ETC。, 但也可用于足够厚度的冷轧钢,以承受磨料冲击引起的变形.

2 规范性引用文件
以下文件以文本方式引用,构成本文件的部分或全部要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, 新版本的参考 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 4628-3, 油漆和清漆 – 涂层降解评估 – 缺陷的数量和大小以及外观均匀变化强度的分配 – 部分 3: 锈蚀程度的评估

国际标准化组织 8501 (所有部分), 涂漆及相关产品前钢基材的准备 – 表面清洁度的目视评估

国际标准化组织 8504-2-2019 “使用油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的准备 – 表面处理方法 – 部分 2: 喷砂

国际标准化组织 8502 (所有部分), 钢基材的制备 – 油漆和相关产品涂装前的表面清洁度评估测试

国际标准化组织 8503 (所有部分), 在涂漆和相关产品之前准备钢基材 – 喷砂清理钢铁基材的表面粗糙度特征

国际标准化组织 11124 (所有部分), 涂覆油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的制备规范 – 金属喷砂磨料清洗

国际标准化组织 11126 (所有部分), Specification for the preparation of steel substrates prior to application of paints and related productsNon-metallic abrasive blasting for cleaning

3 术语和定义
就本文件而言, 以下术语和定义适用.

3.1 Sand blasting cleaning

The high kinetic energy abrasive flow is impounded onto the surface to be prepared

3.2 Sand blasting for abrasive cleaning

Solid materials for sandblasting cleaning (3.1)

国际标准化组织 8504-2-2019 “使用油漆和相关产品之前钢基材的准备 – 表面处理方法 – 部分 2: 喷砂

3.3 Shooting

A predominantly circular particle with a length less than twice the maximum grain width and without edges, broken surfaces, or other sharp surface defects

3.4 碎石

The grain is mainly angular, the surface is broken, the edge is sharp, and the shape is less than half circle

3.5 cylinder

A particle with a sharp edge, with a diameter to length ratio of 1:1, and cut so that its face is approximately at a right Angle to its center line


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