
聚氨酯防水涂料是一种以聚氨酯树脂为主要成分的防水涂料, 添加各种填料, diluents and other substances made of waterproof coating, has excellent weather resistance, 耐磨性, corrosion resistance and chemical resistance. Polyurethane waterproof coating is widely used in building roof, basement, ground, pool, storage tank and other waterproof engineering and railway, highway, bridge, tunnel and other transportation infrastructure waterproof and anti-corrosion field.

Test performance and instrumentation
The following are the key properties of polyurethane waterproof coating to be tested and the instruments and equipment to be used:


Performance factor instrumentation

Performance factor仪器设备
施工业绩Construction performance testing equipment
耐候性Spectral radiation test chamber, xenon lamp aging test chamber
耐水性Spectral radiation test chamber, xenon lamp aging test chamber
粘结强度Grid testing machine, stripping testing machine
抗冲击性Impact testing machine
耐磨性Wear testing machine
Color and gloss色差仪, 光泽度计


Procedure of detection method
The following is the performance of polyurethane waterproof coating to be tested and its testing steps:

施工业绩: Use construction performance testing equipment to test the fluidity, brushability, drying time and other construction performance of the coating, and record the test results.

Weatherability: Test the weatherability of the coating using a xenon lamp aging chamber or a spectral radiation chamber, and record the test results.

耐水性: Use water penetration test equipment and soaking test equipment to test the water resistance of the coating, and record the test results.

粘结强度: The coating adhesion to the substrate was tested using the delimiting tester and the stripping tester, and the test results were recorded.

抗冲击性: The impact testing machine is used to test the impact resistance of the coating, and the test results are recorded.

耐磨性: Wear testing machine is used to test the wear resistance of the coating, and the test results are recorded.

Color and luster: Test with color difference meter and luster meter under standard light source and record the test results.

For some special coatings, it may be necessary to use other instruments and equipment for testing, and the specific operation steps will be different.
