
Art paint is a type of decorative paint that enhances the aesthetic and artistic effect of surfaces through properties such as color, texture and gloss. Art paints can be used for different needs and scenes, presenting a variety of unique decorative effects, such as antique, metallic, 哑光的, ETC. Art coatings are widely used in interior and exterior walls of buildings, decorations, 家具, crafts and other fields. They can add unique style and charm to architecture and interior design.

Test performance and instrument
The following are the key properties of art coatings to be tested and the instruments to be used:

Performance factor仪器设备
颜色和光泽色差仪, 光泽度计
质地Tactile instrument, three-dimensional image measuring instrument
干燥时间Drying time tester
Scrubbing resistanceScratch resistance tester
耐化学性Chemical resistance testing equipment
耐热性Heat resistance testing equipment


Procedure of detection method
The following are the performance of art coatings to be tested and the testing procedures:

颜色和光泽: Under standard light sources using color difference meter and gloss meter test.

质地: Test the texture of the paint with a tactile or three-dimensional image-measuring instrument.

干燥时间: Use the drying time tester to test the drying time of the paint.

Scrubbing resistance: Use a scrubbing resistance tester to test the scrubbing resistance of the paint.

耐刮擦: Use a scratch resistance tester to test the scratch resistance of the paint.

耐化学性: Chemical resistance testing equipment is used to test the chemical resistance of coatings.

耐热性: Use heat resistance testing equipment to test the heat resistance of the paint.

Please note that the above testing steps are only general instructions, the actual operation should be based on the nature of the specific coating, 使用环境, standards and specifications. 对于一些特殊的涂料, 可能需要使用其他仪器和设备进行测试, 并且具体操作步骤会有所不同.
