أستم 1535-2018 “تحديد اللون بواسطة نظام مونسل”

المعنى والاستخدام
4.1 الفنانين, المصممين, العلماء, engineers and government regulators use this practice to specify existing or desired colors. It is used in the natural sciences to record the color of specimens, or to identify specimens, such as human skin tone, flowers, leaves, soil and minerals. It is used to specify colors for commercial and color production process control when instrumental color measurement is not economical. The Munsell system is widely used for color tolerances, even when using instruments (see Practice D3134). It is common practice to make color cards that illustrate the target color and the acceptable deviations from that color in hue, قيمة, and chroma. Such a set of chips is called the color tolerance set. The color tolerance set displays the target colors and color tolerances so that everyone involved in color selection, إنتاج, and acceptance can directly perceive the intent of the specifications before bidding to supply the colors or starting production. Color tolerance sets can be measured to establish instrument tolerances. Without extensive experience, it may not be possible to visualize the meaning of the numbers produced by a color measurement, but by doing so, it is possible to convert the numbers into the Munsell color Sequence system, which uses color chips for visual inspection as an example. This color order system is the basis of the ISC-NBS color designation method and the Dictionary of Color names, as well as the Universal Color Language, which associates color names in English with Munsell symbols (3).

أستم 1535-2018 “تحديد اللون بواسطة نظام مونسل”

1.1 This practice provides a way to specify object colors according to the Munsell color sequence system, which is based on color perception properties hue, سطوع, and chroma. This practice is limited to opaque objects, such as painted surfaces seen in daylight by observers with normal color vision. This practice provides a simple visual approach as an alternative to more accurate and complex methods based on spectrophotometry and the CIE system (see Practices E308 and E1164). Specifies the conversion of CIE data to Munsell symbols.

1.2 وليس المقصود من هذا المعيار معالجة الجميع, لو اي, المخاوف المتعلقة بالسلامة المرتبطة باستخدامه. تقع على عاتق مستخدمي هذه المواصفة القياسية مسؤولية تحديد السلامة المناسبة, الممارسات الصحية والبيئية وتحديد إمكانية تطبيق القيود التنظيمية قبل الاستخدام.

1.3 يعتمد هذا المعيار الدولي على مبادئ التقييس المعترف بها دوليًا المنصوص عليها في القرار المتعلق بمبادئ تطوير المعايير الدولية, المبادئ التوجيهية والتوصيات الصادرة عن لجنة منظمة التجارة العالمية المعنية بالحواجز الفنية أمام التجارة.

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