ISO 26424-2008 “Jemná keramika (pokročilá keramika, pokročilá technická keramika) Determination of the wear resistance of coatings by microscopic wear tests

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Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že některé prvky tohoto dokumentu mohou podléhat patentovým právům. ISO nenese odpovědnost za identifikaci některého nebo všech takových patentů.

ISO 26424-2008 “Jemná keramika (pokročilá keramika, pokročilá technická keramika) Determination of the wear resistance of coatings by microscopic wear tests

ISO 26424 was developed by the Technical committee ISO/TC 206 for Fine Ceramics.

1 Rozsah
This standard specifies a method for measuring abrasive wear rates for ceramic coatings through microscopic wear tests based on the well-known shrinkage grinding technique used for coating thickness determination in ISO 26423[11].

The method can provide data on coating and substrate wear rates by performing two separate tests or by carefully analyzing data from a single test series.

The method can be applied to samples with flat or non-flat surfaces, but the analysis of results described in Article 9 applies only to flat samples. For non-planar samples, a more complex analysis is required and may require the use of numerical methods.

2 Normativní odkazy
The following reference files are difficult or lacking for the use of this document. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citovaná verze. Pro nedatované reference, novou verzi reference (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 3290-1, Rolling bearingsBalls – Část 1: Steel balls

ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for testing and calibration laboratory competence

3 termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, platí následující termíny a definice.

3.1 Abrasive wear rate

Abrasive wear coefficient K

The volume of material removed per unit of sliding distance at a normal contact load of 1 N

ISO 26424-2008 “Jemná keramika (pokročilá keramika, pokročilá technická keramika) Determination of the wear resistance of coatings by microscopic wear tests

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