Metode Uji Standar untuk Warna Cairan Bening (Skala Platinum-Kobalt)

Skala platinum-kobalt adalah metode pengujian standar umum untuk warna cairan transparan, which is used for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of liquid color. The following is the basic principle and operation procedure of the platinum-cobalt scale:


The platinum-cobalt scale is a set of liquid color standard solutions consisting of platinum and cobalt. Platinum-cobalt scales are adjusted by concentration gradient to obtain different color levels, from colorless gradually to different color depths. The color level of the liquid can be determined by comparing the color of the liquid with the platinum-cobalt scale.

Metode Uji Standar untuk Warna Cairan Bening (Skala Platinum-Kobalt)

Langkah-langkah operasi:

Prepare a platinum-cobalt scale: Prepare a platinum-cobalt scale solution of the appropriate concentration according to the desired color level.

Kalibrasi: A platinum-cobalt scale is placed under a standard light source and the condition of visual perception is calibrated to ensure accurate color comparison.

Sampel uji: The clear liquid sample to be tested is compared with the platinum-cobalt scale against the same background. Take care to ensure that the temperature and lighting conditions of the sample and ruler are similar.

Perbandingan dan evaluasi: The sample to be tested is compared with the platinum-cobalt scale step by step to find the color level matching the scale and evaluate the color of the liquid.

We reminds you that the platinum-cobalt scale is a subjective assessment method, dan hasilnya bisa berbeda-beda tergantung faktor subjektif pengamatnya. Karena itu, in color evaluation, it is better to be evaluated independently by multiple observers and take average values to improve accuracy. Selain itu, the platinum-cobalt scale can only provide a relative comparison of liquid colors and cannot provide accurate color values. Jika diperlukan pengukuran dan perbandingan warna yang akurat, professional equipment such as spectral analysis instruments or colorimeters may be required.

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