7384-1986 Prove di corrosione atmosferica artificiale – Requisiti generali

ISO (Organizzazione internazionale per la standardizzazione) è un'alleanza globale di organismi di normalizzazione nazionali (Organismi membri dell'ISO). Lo sviluppo di standard internazionali viene solitamente effettuato attraverso i comitati tecnici ISO. Ciascuna istituzione associata interessata ad una materia sulla quale è stato costituito un comitato tecnico ha il diritto di essere rappresentata in tale comitato. In questo lavoro sono coinvolte anche organizzazioni internazionali governative e non governative che collaborano con l'ISO.

Draft international standards adopted by technical committees are circulated to member bodies for approval before being accepted as international standards by the ISO Council. They are approved under the ISO process, which requires at least 75 per cent approval from voting member bodies.

Norma internazionale ISO 7384 è stato sviluppato dal Comitato Tecnico ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of Metals and Alloys.

Users should note that, unless otherwise noted, all international standards are revised from time to time, and unless otherwise noted, any reference herein to any other international standard is meant to be the latest version.

7384-1986 Prove di corrosione atmosferica artificiale – Requisiti generali

1 Scope and domain of application
This standard specifies the general requirements for specimens, equipment and procedures for artificial atmospheric corrosion tests. It is applicable to metals and alloys with or without permanent or temporary corrosion protection.

The requirements set forth in this standard are intended to be applied to other international standards involving artificial atmosphere corrosion testing and accelerated test methods and construction of new chambers.

7384-1986 Prove di corrosione atmosferica artificiale – Requisiti generali

2 Materiali di riferimento
ISO 1456, Rivestimenti metallici – Plating coatings of nickel and chromium.

ISO 1458, Rivestimenti metallici – Coatings for nickel plating.

ISO 1461, Rivestimenti metallici – Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous metal productsRequirements.

– ISO 1462, Rivestimenti metallici – Coatings other than base metal anodesAccelerated corrosion testingMethod for evaluating results.

ISO 2081, Rivestimenti metallici – Zinc plating coatings on iron or steel.

ISO 2082, Rivestimenti metallici – Cadmium plating coatings on iron or steel.

ISO 3768, Neutral salt spray test for metallic coatings (Prova dell'NSS).

– ISO 3769, Rivestimenti metallici – acetate spray test (ASS test).

ISO 3770, Rivestimenti metallici — Copper accelerated acetate spray test (Prova CASS).

ISO 4536, Metallic and non-organic coatings on metallic substratessalt drop corrosion test (SD test).

– ISO 4540, rivestimenti metallici – substrate cathode coatingsRating of electroplated samples subjected to corrosion tests

ISO 4623, Pitture e vernici – filamentous corrosion testing of steels.

ISO 8407, Metals and alloysProcedures for the removal of corrosion products from corrosion samples.

3 Definizione
Ai fini della presente norma internazionale, si applicano le seguenti definizioni.

Corrosion tests in Artificial atmosphere: Laboratory tests performed in air with or without permanent or temporary corrosion protection for the presence of aggravating factors affecting the corrosion of metallic materials and alloys.

Nota – Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres attempt to reproduce corrosion effects under working conditions, such as atmospheric or other environments.

Solo la sezione informativa standard è pubblica. Per vedere il contenuto completo, è necessario acquistare lo standard attraverso i canali ufficiali.

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