Guida standard ASTM D5324-16 per i test sui rivestimenti architettonici a base acqua


This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing water-based architectural coatings for exterior, interno, or both types of surfaces. The properties that can be checked by the test methods listed herein are as follows: liquid paint properties (skin, conditions in containers, coarse particles and foreign bodies, density or weight per gallon, fineness of dispersion, flash point, odor, absorption, colorant) acceptance, dilution stability, packaging stability, thermal stability and settlement; Coating application and film formation characteristics (brush application performance, brush drag application performance, roll application performance, roll application performance, spray application performance, repair uniformity, consistenza (low shear viscosity), rheology of non-Newtonian liquids, anti-hang, leveling performance, and drying performance); The appearance of the dry film (color appearance, color difference by visual comparison, color difference measured using instruments, directional reflection, lucentezza, lucentezza, covering power and yellowness index); Properties of the dry film (resistenza all'usura, adesione, flessibilità, resistance to household chemicals, color change of white enamel, washability and cleanability, resistance to foaming, esposizione, spolveratura, ispezione, screpolature, erosion, peeling, mildew and smoke resistance); And coating analysis (chemical analysis, volatile content, non-volatile volume content, contenuto di acqua, pigment content, pigment analysis, non-volatile carrier content, carrier separation and non-volatile carrier identification). Use instruments to measure, directional reflection, lucentezza, lucentezza, shading power and yellowness index color difference); Properties of the dry film (resistenza all'usura, adesione, flessibilità, resistance to household chemicals, color change of white enamel, washability and cleanability, resistance to foaming, esposizione, spolveratura, ispezione, screpolature, erosion, peeling, mildew and smoke resistance); And coating analysis (chemical analysis, volatile content, non-volatile volume content, contenuto di acqua, pigment content, pigment analysis, non-volatile carrier content, carrier separation and non-volatile carrier identification). Use instruments to measure, directional reflection, lucentezza, lucentezza, shading power and yellowness index color difference); Properties of the dry film (resistenza all'usura, adesione, flessibilità, resistance to household chemicals, color change of white enamel, washability and cleanability, resistance to foaming, esposizione, spolveratura, ispezione, screpolature, erosion, peeling, mildew and smoke resistance); And coating analysis (chemical analysis, volatile content, non-volatile volume content, contenuto di acqua, pigment content, pigment analysis, non-volatile carrier content, carrier separation and non-volatile carrier identification). Color change of white enamel, washable and cleanability, resistance to foaming, esposizione, spolveratura, ispezione, screpolature, erosion, peeling, mildew and smoke resistance); And coating analysis (chemical analysis, volatile content, non-volatile volume content, contenuto di acqua, pigment content, pigment analysis, non-volatile carrier content, carrier separation and non-volatile carrier identification). Color change of white enamel, washable and cleanability, resistance to foaming, esposizione, spolveratura, ispezione, screpolature, erosion, peeling, mildew and smoke resistance); And coating analysis (chemical analysis, volatile content, non-volatile volume content, contenuto di acqua, pigment content, pigment analysis, non-volatile carrier content, carrier separation and non-volatile carrier identification).

Questa sintesi è una breve panoramica delle norme di riferimento. È solo di riferimento e non è una parte ufficiale dello standard; Per il suo utilizzo e applicazione è richiesto il riferimento al testo completo della norma stessa. ASTM non fornisce garanzie di alcun tipo, espresso o implicito, e non garantisce che il contenuto di questo abstract sia accurato, completo o nuovo.

Guida standard ASTM D5324-16 per i test sui rivestimenti architettonici a base acqua

Fare un passo 1: Scopo

1.1 This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing water-based coatings for exterior, interno, or both types of surfaces (Nota 1). Tables 1 E 2 list the attributes that can be checked or, in some cases, the relevant test procedures.

Nota 1: Il termine “architectural coatingsused here combines the definition in the term D16 with the definition in the FSCT Paint/Coatings Dictionary, 2 come segue: “Organic coatings for on-site application of residential, commercial interior or exterior surfaces compared to industrial coatings, industrial buildings or industrial buildings.They are protective and decorative finishes applied at ambient temperatures. Commonly referred to as trade sales coatings. ”

Nota 2: Architectural coatings are designed to provide better performance than most conventional coatings as they are tougher, more resistant to stains and wear, covered by Guide D3730.

1.2 The following types of organic coatings are covered in this Guide:

(1) Tipo 1 interior wall latex flat wall coating,

(2) Tipo 2 external wall latex paint,

(3) Tipo 3 water-based floor paint, E

(4) Tipo 4 Interior Latex Semigloss and Gloss Paints.

Guida standard ASTM D5324-16 per i test sui rivestimenti architettonici a base acqua

1.2.1 Each is used for application by brush, roll, spray or other methods to materials suitable for its type and may include gypsum, masonry, wallboard, legna, acciaio, previously painted surfaces and other building substrates.

1.3 I valori espressi in unità SI sono considerati standard. I valori indicati tra parentesi sono solo di riferimento.

1.4 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza, se presente, legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire adeguate pratiche di sicurezza e salute e determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

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