ASTM D5749-2017 Specifiche standard per nastro rinforzato e ordinario per sigillatura e fissaggio

This specification covers enhanced (Tipo I) e convenzionale (tipo II) paper adhesive tapes for securing and binding paper products and sealing fiberboard boxes. Type I adhesive tape can be stripped (class 1) or not stripped (class 2), while Type II paper adhesive tape, whether it is class A (light load), class B (medium load) or class C (heavy load) can not be stripped. The tape should be made of kraft paper, but it is also recommended to use recycled pulp in the paper, and the adhesive used must not have an offensive odor, and should comply with the specified environmental precautions. Type I tape should consist of two rolls of paper, while Type II tape should consist of one roll of paper. When produced, tape should be clean and free of folds, sharp creases, tears, cuts and holes. The tape should be checked for appearance defects, roller structure defects and dimensional defects. Tests for adhesion, tensile strength and elongation should also be carried out and should conform to specified physical properties.

This summary is a brief summary of the reference standards. It is informational only and not a formal part of the standard; The full text of the standard itself needs to be used and applied for reference. ASTM provides no warranties, espresso o implicito, e non garantisce che il contenuto di questo abstract sia accurato, complete, or new.

Fare un passo 1: Scopo
1.1 This specification covers ordinary and reinforced paper adhesive tapes for fixing and binding paper products and for sealing fiberboard boxes.

1.2 This regulation is intended to replace the Federal Reserve. Glasses. Part of CID AA-1492, CID AA-1671 and PPP-T-45.

1.3 I valori espressi in unità SI sono considerati valori standard. I valori indicati tra parentesi sono solo di riferimento.

1.4 The following safety hazard warnings apply only to Section 11 “Metodi di prova” of this specification: This standard is not intended to address all safety hazards associated with use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health measures prior to use and to determine the applicability of regulatory restrictions.

1.5 Questo standard internazionale si basa su principi di standardizzazione riconosciuti a livello internazionale stabiliti nella Decisione sui principi per lo sviluppo di standard internazionali, Linee guida e raccomandazioni emanate dall'OMC Ostacoli tecnici al commercio (TBT) Comitato.

ASTM D5749-2017 Specifiche standard per nastro rinforzato e ordinario per sigillatura e fissaggio

2. Fare riferimento al dossier
Norma ASTM

D685 Conditions for inspection of paper and paper products

D828 Metodo di prova per le proprietà di trazione di carta e cartone utilizzando apparecchiature ad allungamento costante

D996 Termini ambientali relativi all'imballaggio e alla distribuzione

D1974 / D1974M Practice of methods for sealing, sealing and reinforcing fiberboard boxes

D3951 Commercial packaging specification

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