Metodo di prova standard ASTM D5917-2015 per la determinazione delle impurità in tracce negli idrocarburi aromatici monociclici mediante gascromatografia e calibrazione esterna

Lo standard ASTM D5917 è in grado di rilevare gli idrocarburi alifatici totali (metano tramite decano) contenente 1 A 10 carbon atoms at concentrations ranging from 0.001 A 2.500 % by weight.
Significato e uso

5.1 It is usually necessary to determine the type and amount of hydrocarbon impurities remaining in the manufacture of toluene, mixed xylene and paraxylene used as chemical intermediates and solvents. This test method is suitable for setting specifications and as an internal quality control tool for the production or use of these products. Typical impurities are: alkanes containing 1-10 carbon atoms, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene (EB), xilene, and aromatics containing 9 carbon atoms.

5.2 Purity is usually reported by subtracting the identified expected impurity from 100.00. Tuttavia, if the tested material contains unknown or undetected components, gas chromatography cannot determine absolute purity.

5.3 This test method is similar to test method D2360, Tuttavia, inter-laboratory testing has shown that there may be bias between the two methods. Perciò, users are reminded that the two methods may not give comparable results.

Metodo di prova standard ASTM D5917-2015 per la determinazione delle impurità in tracce negli idrocarburi aromatici monociclici mediante gascromatografia e calibrazione esterna

Fare un passo 1: Scopo

1.1 The test method includes the determination of total non-aromatic hydrocarbons and trace monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in toluene, mixed xylene and paraxylene by gas chromatography. The purity of toluene, mixed xylene or paraxylene can also be calculated. The calibration of gas chromatography system is completed by external standard calibration technology. A similar test method using the internal standard calibration technique is test method D2360.

1.2 Total aliphatic hydrocarbons (metano tramite decano) contenente 1 A 10 carbon atoms can be detected by this test method at concentrations ranging from 0.001 A 2.500 % by weight.

1.2.1 Small amounts of benzene in mixed xylene or paraxylene may differ from non-aromatics and concentrations are determined in complex form (Vedere 6.1).

Metodo di prova standard ASTM D5917-2015 per la determinazione delle impurità in tracce negli idrocarburi aromatici monociclici mediante gascromatografia e calibrazione esterna

1.3 This test method enables the detection of monO impurities (benzene to C10 aromatic compounds) contenente 6 A 10 carbon atoms at individual concentrations ranging from 0.001 A 1.000 peso %.

1.4 When determining the consistency of test results with applicable specifications, the results shall be rounded according to the rounding method of Practice E29.

1.5 I valori espressi in unità SI sono trattati come valori standard. Nessun'altra unità di misura è inclusa in questo standard.

1.6 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza (se presente) legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire adeguate pratiche di sicurezza e salute e determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso. Vedere la sezione 9 per descrizioni di pericoli specifici.

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