ISO 12625-1-2019 ティッシュペーパーおよびティッシュ製品 – 一部 1 語彙


ISO (国際標準化機構) 国家標準化団体の世界的な同盟です (ISO会員団体). 国際規格の開発は通常、ISO 技術委員会を通じて行われます。. 技術委員会が設立された主題に関心を持つ各加盟機関は、その委員会に代表される権利を有する。. ISO と連携する国際政府および非政府組織もこの作業に関与しています。. ISO は国際電気標準会議と緊密に連携しています。 (IEC) 電気技術の標準化に関するあらゆる事項について.

この文書の作成に使用される手順と、さらなるメンテナンスに使用される手順については、パートで説明されています。 1 ISO/IEC 指令の. 特に, ISO 文書の種類ごとに必要な承認基準が異なることに注意してください。. この文書はパートの編集ルールに従って作成されています。 2 ISO/IEC 指令の ( を参照してください。).

本書の内容によっては特許権の対象となる場合がありますのでご注意ください。. ISO は、そのような特許の一部またはすべてを特定する責任を負いません。. 文書の作成中に特定された特許権の詳細は、ISO が受領した特許請求の序論および/またはリストに記載されます。 (を参照してください。).


自主的, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (未定) adhere to the principle of the world trade organization (WTO) information, 以下のURLを参照してください

This document has been prepared by the Technical Committee of the European Committee for Standardisation (セン), CEN/TC 172 (パルプ, 紙と板), 技術委員会 ISO/TC と協力して 6 (紙, ボードとパルプ) and Subcommittee SC 2 (Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board). Comply with ISO and CEN technical cooperation agreement (ウィーン協定).

The third edition cancelled and replaced the technically revised second edition (ISO 12625-1:201). 前版からの主な変更点は以下の通りです:

Change the number of terms to those directly related to the organization;

The alphabetical index was reorganized by merging and addingterm groups”;

– 更新の編集.

ISO 内のすべての部品のリスト 12625 シリーズは ISO Web サイトで見つけることができます.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

This document defines defining terms for the physical properties of tissue paper manufactured using wrinkling or non-wrinkling techniques and includes products made using a combination of these tissue paper manufacturing processes.

Paper towel products are an important and growing market for single-use disposable sanitary and industrial products. The current range of familiar products includes toilet paper, facial tissues, kitchen/household towels, hand towels, napkins, MATS, industrial wipes, other absorbent tissues and lotion treatments.

Tissue paper manufacturing techniques have evolved and deviated fromnormalpaper techniques, so there is a need for a new vocabulary.

The purpose of this document is to get household paper manufacturers, tissue processors and tissue customers to agree on various tissue manufacturing terms and to facilitate the harmonization of testing methods. Each of the terms listed is briefly defined and illustrated if found useful. In writing this document, English was chosen as the original language. Then it was said that some expressions cannot be translated into another language. For these cases, English expressions are used.

1 範囲
This document establishes general principles for the use of terminology in the entire field of work for tissue and household paper products.

It allows the use of generic terms in industry and business.

It is specified that ISO 15755 is suitable for the detection of impurities and dents in tissue paper and tissue products.

ISO 287 applies to the determination of moisture content in tissue and household paper products.

2 規範的参照
There is no normative reference in this document.

3 用語と定義
この文書の目的のために, 次の用語と定義が適用されます.

3.1 Water Absorption

The ability of tissue paper (3.58) and/or tissue products (3.59) to absorb liquids

3.2 Absorption

3.2.1 Absorption capacity

The amount of liquid absorbed per unit mass of the sample under test

注記 1: Water absorption capacity is defined in ISO 12625-8.

3.2.2 Absorption rate

The mass of the liquid absorbed by the sample per unit time is determined by dividing the total mass of the liquid absorbed during a given period of time by the duration of the period

3.2.3 Absorption Time

The time required for complete wetting of the sample

[ソース: ISO 12625-8:201, 3.1]

3.3 Accelerated Aging

A procedure that quickly predicts changes in the characteristics of tissue paper (3.58) or tissue products (3.59) that occur over a longer period of time under normal conditions

注記 1 This is particularly the case for wet strength tissue paper or tissue products whose wet resistance increases over time. An accelerated aging procedure for determining wet strength is specified in ISO 12625-5.

ISO 12625-1-2019 ティッシュペーパーおよびティッシュ製品 – 一部 1 語彙

3.4 Apparent packing density

The mass of tissue paper (3.58) or tissue products (3.59) per unit volume is calculated from its gram weight (3.28) and expanded thickness (3.10)

注記 1: It is determined by dividing the gram weight of tissue paper or tissue product by the thickness determined on the tissue.

[ソース: ISO 12625-3:214, 3.4]

3.5 Paper Towel products for outdoor use

AFH Tissue products

Paper towel products for institutional and industrial markets (3.59)

例: Tissue products used in hospitals, restaurants, hotels, offices.

3.6 Base Paper

A single sheet of tissue paper produced as a semi-finished product and intended to be converted into a finished product

3.7 Substrate forming

Wet-formed coils between one or two consecutive wires or between one wire and felt produce endless sheets of paper with a gram weight (3.28), usually between 10 g/m2 and 50 g/m2

3.8 Brightness

3.8.1D65 brightness

The intrinsic radiance (reflectance) factor measured using a reflectoscope with the properties described in ISO 2469, equipped with a filter or corresponding function with an effective wavelength of 457nm and a half-peak bandwidth of 44nm, and adjusted so that the UV content of the radiation incident on the sample under test corresponds to the UV content of the CIE standard light source D65

[ソース: ISO 2470-2:2008, 3.4, 修正済み — the entry symbols R457, D65 and note 1 were deleted.

3.8.2C brightness


The inherent diffuse radiation (reflectance) factor measured using a reflectoscope with the properties described in ISO 2469, equipped with a filter or corresponding function with an effective wavelength of 457nm and a half-bandwidth of 44nm, and adjusted so that the UV content of the irradiation incident on the sample under test corresponds to the UV content of the CIE source C

[ソース: ISO 2470-1:2016, 3.4, 修正済み – Added the preferred termC brightnessand deleted the entry symbol R457 and note 1.

3.9 Bulk

Reciprocal of apparent packing density (3.4)

3.10 Expansion thickness

The thickness of a single sheet of tissue paper (3.58) or of a tissue product (3.59), calculated from the thickness of several sheets of superimposed paper, measured at the static load applied

[ソース: ISO 12625-3:2014, 3.3]

3.11 Calender

Mechanical treatment of a substrate passing through the clamp between two smooth cylinders with the aim of improving the smoothness or surface softness of tissue paper (3.58) or household paper (3.59)

注記 1: This operation is performed by calender. 加えて, the process allows some control over the thickness of tissue paper or tissue paper products.

3.12 Cellulose filler

A corrugated mesh or sheet of open structure, made of cellulose fibers (mainly chemical pulp) and consisting of one or more layers of lightweight paper

注記 1: Open formation is obtained when paper is produced at low base weight and high tensile (usually over 35%).

注記 2: Very low gram weight soft crepe paper, usually used in bundles or MATS containing several sheets of paper.

[ソース: ISO 4046-4:2016, 4.37, 修正済み — (mainly chemical pulp) 追加した, entry Notes 1 and entry Notes 2]

3.13 Cloth-like touch

Properties of tissue paper (3.58) or tissue products (3.59) that give it a similar feel to woven cloth materials

3.14 色

3.14.1 International laboratory color space

Three-dimensional approximate uniform color space, by drawing rectangular coordinates L*, あ*, b to produce *

注記 1: The quantity L* is a measure of the brightness of the test piece, where L* = 0 corresponds to black and L* = 100 is defined by a perfect reflection diffuser. Visually, the quantities a* and b* represent the red and green axes and yellow and blue axes in the color space, それぞれ, making

— +a* is a measure of the redness of the test piece,

−a* is a measure of the greenness of the test item.

— +b* is a measure of the degree of yellowing of the test item, そして

−b* is a measure of the blueness of the test component.

If both a* and b* are zero, the specimen is gray.

[ソース: ISO 5631-3:2015, 3.6, 修正された — 記入メモ 1 追加した]

3.14.2CIELAB Color (D65/10°)

The L*, a* and b* values of the sample were evaluated according to the CIELAB 1976 システム, according to the CIE 1964 (10°) standard colorimetric observer and the CIE standard light source D65

注記 1: ISO を参照 12625-7 for more information.

[ソース: ISO/TR 10688:2015, 2.5.2, 修正済み — Delete preferred term “(L*, あ*, b*)”, preferred term CIELAB color (D65/10°), and add entry Note 1]

3.14.3CIELAB Color (C/2°)

The L*, あ*, and b* values of the sample were evaluated according to the CIELAB 1976 システム, according to the CIE 1931 (2°) standard colorimetric observer and CIE light Source C

注記 1: ISO を参照 12625-15 for more information.

[ソース: ISO/TR 10688:2015, 2.5.1, 修正済み — Delete preferred terms “(L*, あ*, b*)”, preferred terms CIELAB Color (C/2°) and Note 1]

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