Badanie i metody wydajności papieru bezwęglowego

Papier bezwęglowy to specjalny papier kalkowy, może osiągnąć efekt węgla bez kalki. It is usually composed of two or more layers of paper, including a layer of bottom paper and a layer or more layers of coated paper. The underlying paper of carbonless paper can be regular printing paper, while coated paper usually contains some special dyes and chemicals to achieve the carbon copy effect.

Wydajność wykrywania
The detection of carbonless paper needs to pay attention to the following main properties:

Grubość i gęstość: The thickness and density of non-carbon paper will directly affect its stability and copy effect. The thickness and density can be measured by measuring paper thickness, density and base weight.

Carbon copy effect: The main feature of non-carbon paper is that it can achieve the carbon copy effect, so the carbon copy effect is an important content of non-carbon paper detection. The detection of the carbon effect can be carried out by measuring the paper’s carbon degree, carbon clarity and carbon color and other indicators.

Wytrzymałość: Carbonless paper needs to have a certain strength to ensure the stability and durability of the paper. Badanie wytrzymałości można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar wytrzymałości na rozciąganie, wytrzymałość na rozdarcie i wytrzymałość na ściskanie papieru.

Odporność na zużycie: Carbonless paper needs to have certain wear resistance to ensure the durability of the carbon copy effect. The wear resistance can be tested by measuring the wear degree and surface hardness of the paper.

Flatness: carbonless paper needs to have a certain flatness to ensure the clarity and detail of the carbon copy effect. Flatness can be measured by measuring paper surface smoothness, feather height and board convexity and other indicators.

Badanie i metody wydajności papieru bezwęglowego

Połysk: Carbonless paper coated paper usually contains some special dyes and chemicals to achieve the carbon copy effect, so it needs to have the appropriate gloss to enhance the visual effect of the carbon copy effect. Wykrywanie połysku można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar współczynnika odbicia powierzchni papieru.

Ochrona środowiska: No carbon paper needs to meet environmental standards, no harmful substances, brak zanieczyszczeń dla środowiska. Ochronę środowiska można sprawdzić mierząc lotne związki organiczne, metale ciężkie, jony chlorkowe, fluorescencyjne rozjaśniacze i inne wskaźniki.

Reusability: An important feature of carbonless paper is that it can be reused, so it needs to have some reusability. Reusability can be tested by measuring the number of copies of the paper and the change in the copy effect.

Antistatic: The coated paper of non-carbon paper usually contains some special chemicals to achieve the carbon copy effect, so it needs to have some antistatic property to avoid interference in the carbon copy process. The antistatic property can be detected by measuring the amount of electrostatic charge and discharge time of the paper.

Szereg zastosowań: The coated paper of non-carbonized paper usually includes different types of dyes and chemicals, so different types of non-carbonized paper have different scope of application. Wykrywanie zakresu zastosowania można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar odpowiedniego środowiska papieru, applicable copying tools and applicable copying materials and other indicators.

The above performance indicators are the key content of non-carbon paper testing. Różne wymagania i standardy użytkowania będą miały również wpływ na standardy i metody testowania papieru.

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