ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

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ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

Dobrowolny, powiązane normy i terminologia specyficzna ISO związana z oceną zgodności oraz wyrażają znaczenie ISO w barierach technicznych w handlu (Do ustalenia) przestrzegać zasad Światowej Organizacji Handlu (WTO) Informacja, please see the

This document has been prepared by the International Commission on Lighting (CIE) in collaboration with ISO/TC 274 Technical Committee (Light and Lighting).

The first edition of ISO/CIE 11664-1 cancels and replaces ISO 11664-1:2007 |CIE S 014-1:2006, which constitutes a minor revision including minor editorial updates.

A list of all parts in the ISO 11664 and ISO/CIE 11664 można znaleźć na stronie internetowej ISO.

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ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

Colors with different spectral components may look similar. An important function of colorimetry is to determine whether a pair of such heterochromatic color stimuli look similar. The use of visual colorimeters for this purpose is hampered by variations in color matching between observers classified as having normal color vision. Visual colorimetry also tends to be time-consuming. For these reasons, colorimetry has long used a set of color matching functions to calculate the tristimulus value of a color: Equal tristimulus value of a pair of colors indicates that the color appearance of the two colors matches, when an observer applying the color matching function observes them under the same conditions. Using the standard set of color matching functions, it is possible to compare the tristimulus values obtained at different times and places.

1 Zakres
This document specifies the color matching function for colorimetry. Two sets of color matching functions are specified.

A) Color matching function of CIE 1931 standardowa przeglądarka kolorymetryczna.

This set of color matching functions represents the color matching properties of an observer with normal color vision, with a field of view size of about 1° to about 4° angular subtension, for vision at the level of clear vision adaptation.

B) Color matching function of CIE 1964 standardowa przeglądarka kolorymetryczna.

This set of color matching functions represents the color matching properties of observers with normal color vision, for field sizes with angular subtension greater than about 4°, and for visual and spectral power distributions with sufficiently high clear vision levels that no rod receptors of the retina are required to participate.

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

2 Odniesienia normatywne
Do poniższych plików przywołano odniesienia w tekście w sposób stanowiący część lub całość wymagań niniejszego dokumentu. Dla przestarzałych odniesień, obowiązuje wyłącznie wersja cytowana. Dla niedatowanych odniesień, nowa wersja odniesienia (włączając wszelkie poprawki) ma zastosowanie.

CIE S 017: –, 1 ILV: International lighting vocabulary

3 warunki i definicje
Na potrzeby niniejszego dokumentu, the terms and definitions given in CIE S 017 i obowiązują poniższe.

ISO i IEC prowadzą bazy terminologiczne w celu normalizacji pod następującymi adresami:

– Platforma przeglądania ISO Online: dostępne na stronie

– Encyklopedia elektroniczna IEC: dostępne na stronie

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

3.1 Color stimulation function F l (l)

Describes the function of the spectral distribution of color stimuli

Notatka 1: The color stimulus function is generated by the spectral distribution of the amount of radiation, such as radiosity or radiant flux.

Notatka 2: For object color, the color stimulus function φλ (λ) is equal to the product of the relative spectral distribution S (λ) and the spectral reflectance ρ (λ) or spectral radiation coefficient β (λ) or spectral transmittance τ (λ), depending on the application.

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, entry 17-23-003, revisedDefinitions have been completely revised and entry notes have been added.

3.2 Heterochromatic color stimulus, PL

Isomer, PL

Spectral stimuli of different colors having the same tri-stimulus value in a specified colorimetric system

Notatka 1: The corresponding property is calledmetamerism”.

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-008]

3.3 Monochromatic stimulus

Spectral stimulation

A stimulus consisting of monochromatic radiation

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-011]

3.4 isoenergy spectrum

Radiation spectrum, the spectral distribution of the amount of radiation as a function of wavelength is constant throughout the visible region

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

Notatka 1: Radiation in the equal-energy spectrum is sometimes treated as a light source, in which case it is represented by the symbol E.

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, entry 17-23-023, zmodyfikowany – “(φλ (λ) = constant)” omitted at end of definition.

3.5 Additive Mixture

&Por; Color stimulus > Stimuli, which combine the effects of various color stimuli on the retina in a way that cannot be perceived individually

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-030]

3.6 Color Matching

The effect of a color stimulus on a color identical to that of a given color stimulus

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-031]

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

3.7 Trichromatic system

A system that specifies a color stimulus according to a tristimulus value, based on matching colors by adding a mixture of three suitably selected reference color stimuli

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-036]

3.8 Reference Color stimulus, PL

The three-color stimulus on which the three-color system is based

Notatka 1: These stimuli are either real color stimuli or theoretical stimuli defined by linear combinations of real color stimuli.

Notatka 2: In the CIE standard colorimetric system, the reference color stimulus is represented by symbols [R], [G], [B]; [X], [Y], [Z]; [R 10], [G 10], [B 10] Lub [X 10], [Y 10], [Z 10].

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, entry 17-23-037, zmodyfikowany – “three-piece sethas been changed tothree”, I “I” in note 2 has been changed to “Lub”.

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

3.9 wartość trójbodźcowa, PL

&Por; Color stimulus > W danym systemie trójkolorowym, ilość referencyjnego bodźca barwnego jest potrzebna, aby dopasować kolor rozważanego bodźca

Notatka 1: In the CIE standard colorimetric system, the tristimulus values are represented by symbols R, G, B; X, Y, Z; R 10, G 10, B 10 or X 10, Y 10, Z 10.

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, entry 17-23-038, amended – “The amount of three referenceshas been changed tothe amount of reference”.

3.10 Color matching function, PL

&Por; Three color System > The tristimulus value of a monochromatic stimulus of equal radiative flux

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, entry 17-23-039, amendedEntry notes omitted.

3.11CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system

X, Y, Z

Use a set of reference color stimuli [X], [Y], [Z] and three CIE color matching functions adopted by CIE in 1931


ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

A system that determines the tristimulus values of any spectral power distribution

Notatka 1: Same as V (λ), so the tristimulus value Y is proportional to the brightness value.


Notatka 2: The CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system is suitable for central observation fields with angular subtension between about 1° and about 4° (0,017 rad and 0,07 rad).

Notatka 3: The CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system can be derived from the CIE 1931 RGB colorimetric system using a transformation based on a set of three linear equations. The CIE 1931 RGB system is based on three real monochromatic reference stimuli.

Notatka 4: See also CIE 15, Colorimetry.

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-045]

3.12 CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system

X 10, Y 10, Z 10

Use a set of reference color stimuli [X 10], [Y 10], [Z10] and the three CIE color matching functions adopted by CIE in 1964


A system to determine the tristimulus value of any spectral power distribution

Notatka 1: The CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system is suitable for central observation fields with angular subtension greater than about 4° (0,07 rad).

Notatka 2: When using the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system, all symbols representing colorimetric measurements are distinguished by the use of the subindex 10.

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

Notatka 3 See also CIE 15, Colorimetry.

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, articles 17-23-046]

3.13 CIE color matching function, PL

The CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system or


Functions in the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system


[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-047]

3.14 CIE 1931 standardowa przeglądarka kolorymetryczna

For the professional observer, its color matching characteristics correspond to the CIE color matching function adopted by CIE in 1931


[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, articles 17-23-049]

3.15 CIE 1964 standard colorimetric Observer

For the professional observer, the color matching characteristics correspond to the CIE color matching function adopted by CIE in 1964


[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-050, zmodyfikowany – Article note 1 pominięty.

3.16 Chrominance coordinates, pl

Coordinates representing the quotient and sum of each value in a set of three tristimulus values

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

Notatka 1: Since the sum of the three chromaticity coordinates equals 1, two of them are sufficient to define chromaticity.

Notatka 2: In the CIE standard colorimetric system, chrominance coordinates are represented by the symbols x, y, z or x 10, y 10, z 10.

Notatka 3: Chromaticity coordinates are quantities in unit one.

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, entry 17-23-053, amended – “ratiohas been changed toquotient”.

3.17 Spectral chromaticity coordinates, PL

R (λ), G (λ), B (λ); X (λ), y (λ), z (λ); R 10 (λ), G 10 (λ), B 10 (λ); X 10 (λ), y 10 (λ), z 10 (λ)

Chromaticity coordinates of monochromatic stimuli

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, article 17-23-055]

3.18 Spectral luminous efficiency

ISO 11664-1-2019 Colorimetric method – Część 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer

V (λ) For bright vision > V ‘(λ), &Por; For dark vision > Vmes; M (λ) For medium vision >; V10 (λ), &Por; For CIE 10° brightness observer >; VM (λ), &Por; Improved luminous 2° spectral luminescence efficiency function for CIE 1988 >

&Por; For specified luminosity conditions > The quotient of the radiant flux at wavelength λm and the radiant flux at wavelength λ such that both produce an equally strong luminous sensation under the specified luminosity condition, and λm is chosen so that the maximum value of this quotient is equal to 1

[Źródło: CIE S 017: -, entry 17-21-035, amendedEntry notes omitted.

3.19 Reflection diffuser

An ideal isotropic diffuser whose reflectivity is equal to the unit

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