ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

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ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

Dobrowolna interpretacja, powiązane normy i terminologia specyficzna ISO związana z oceną zgodności oraz wyrażają znaczenie ISO w barierach technicznych w handlu (Do ustalenia) przestrzegać zasad Światowej Organizacji Handlu (WTO) Informacja, please see the

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Farby i lakiery, Podkomisja SC 9, Common Test Methods for paints and varnishes.

Lista wszystkich części w ISO 22553 można znaleźć na stronie internetowej ISO.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be referred to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

In the electrodeposition coating process, the non-volatile substances in the water-dilutive electrodeposition coating are deposited on the workpiece by the electrophoretic process. During this process, the internal and external areas of the workpiece, including all cavities, are touched. Cathode deposition or anode deposition is distinguished according to whether the workpiece is used as cathode or anode. The cathodic electrodeposition coating process is commonly used (patrz rysunek 1).

Postać 1 – Example of the deposition process during cathodic electrodeposition coating


色漆和清漆 电沉积涂料 第1部分:词汇配图1


ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo


1Softening water9solvent
2Wastewater treatment10Softened water
3Anodic fluid cycle11acid
4Anode12Electrodeposition coating
5Cathode13Ion selective membrane
6Anode box14ciało
7Binder15Cathodic electrophoresis cell

Through the combination of adhesives, pigments and deposition processes, hardening creates a very corrosion-resistant coating on the workpiece, which contributes significantly to corrosion protection in both internal and external areas.

The electrical properties of the material are also important for the electrical energy consumption (bulk charge density) of the process.

Since the electrophoretic paint is jointly responsible for the overall appearance of the coating system, it is often emphasized that the coating works well and has no visible defects.

Dlatego, for extensive corrosion protection and sealing of the workpiece, additional joint sealing materials, adhesives or foams are recommended.

Inside the electrophoresis tank, bacterial contamination may be present due to the material being dragged in and the physical conditions (ciepło, water-based media, carbon sources, itp.).

This document specifies the terms and definitions of electrodeposited coatings. The subsequent part of the ISO 22553 series specifies methods of characterization and testing of electrodeposited coatings. An overview of the test methods is given in Annex A.

ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

1 Szereg zastosowań
This document defines the terms for electrodeposited coatings.

Nadaje się do powłok elektroosadowych w przemyśle motoryzacyjnym i innych ogólnych zastosowaniach przemysłowych, takie jak chłodnica, dobra konsumpcyjne, grzejniki, lotniczy, rolnictwo.

2 Normatywne dokumenty referencyjne
W tym dokumencie nie ma żadnych odniesień normatywnych.

3 warunki i definicje

3.1 Volume charge density ρ

Quotient of charge Q and volume V, as shown in the formula:

Farby i lakiery – powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Glossary Diagram 2

Notatka 1: The volume charge density is expressed in coulombs per cubic meter (C/m 3).

Article Note 2:1 C/m 3 = 1 A⋅s/m 3.

3.2 Deposition voltage u

The voltage is adjusted on the corresponding device to deposit an electrodeposited coating material (3.9) by an anode or cathode method, having a film thickness specified for the coating material

Notatka 1: The deposition voltage is measured in volts (V).

3.3 Deposition time

The time required to obtain the desired film thickness

3.4 Anode electrodeposition coating process

Anodic electrophoresis process

A variant of an electrodeposited coating in which the coated components are connected as an anode and the reverse electrode is connected as a cathode

3.5 Pigment content, determined by ashing

Mass fraction of residue after ashing of the product under specified conditions

Notatka 1: It includes inorganic pigments, wypełniacze, and other solid components of the product that do not evaporate under test conditions, but their state may change.

3.6 Baking Process

The final drying and chemical crosslinking process of the applied paint film is initiated by heating

ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

3.7 Straty w pieczeniu

Volatiles released under standard baking conditions

Notatka 1: Baking loss includes reaction loss.

3.8 Entry Tags

Visible defects that occur during the immersion of the panel under voltage, usually in the form of streaks parallel to the bath surface on the object to be painted


Hash marks (patrz rysunek 5), dziurki (patrz rysunek 4), mappings (patrz rysunek 3).

3.9 Powłoki elektroosadzane

Electronic coating

Waterborne coatings for electrophoretic coating

3.10 Deposition time

The time that voltage is applied between anode and cathode during the coating process

3.11 Flores

Flower-shaped craters, formed by a combination of single craters

Notatka wpisowa 1: Patrz rysunek 2 for an example.

Postać 2 – Floresexample

ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

色漆和清漆 电沉积涂料 第1部分:词汇配图3

3.12 Zabezpieczenie krawędzi

The ability to protect edges from corrosion

Article Note 1: Edges may be produced by drilling, punching, and cutting.

3.13 Edge corrosion

Corrosion due to inadequate edge protection (3.12)

Article Note 1: Edges may be produced by drilling, punching, and cutting.

3.14 Cathode electrodeposition coating process

Cathodic electrophoresis

A variant of an electrodeposited coating in which the coated parts are connected as a cathode and the reverse electrode is connected as an anode

ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

3.15 Bacteria count

Colony count

The number of colony forming units (CFU) to form a macroscopically countable colony

3.16 Mapping

Local differences in film thickness in electrodeposited films

Notatka wpisowa 1: Patrz rysunek 3 for an example.

Postać 3 – Mapping example

色漆和清漆 电沉积涂料 第1部分:词汇配图4

ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

3.17 Pinholes

The holes in the coating extend all the way to the substrate

Article Note 1: Pinholes are often mixed with craters.

Notatka wpisowa 2: Patrz rysunek 4 for an example.

Postać 4 – pinhole example

色漆和清漆 电沉积涂料 第1部分:词汇配图5

3.18 Hash tag

Hydrogen attached during the process causes characteristic depressions in the electrodeposited coating

Pozycja Uwaga 1: One characteristic of the pound sign is the direction of the horizontal line. W szczególności, hash marks appear when the specimen is heavily impregnated.

Notatka wpisowa 2: Patrz rysunek 5 for an example. A distinct hash mark can be detected on the right side that has been moistened with softening water. On the left side of the department, there are significantly fewer hash marks.

ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

色漆和清漆 电沉积涂料 第1部分:词汇配图6

3.19 Stabilność

Electrodeposited coatings are often exposed to the aging process, especially during extended downtime (holidays, downtime, itp.), Jak na przykład:

evaporation of water, solvents and neutralizers;

Chemical changes in adhesives caused by air;

bring in bacteria;

Other reactions of the adhesive

3.20 Effort

The ability of the electrodeposited coating to penetrate the box section

3.21 Workpieces

Objects coated with material

ISO 22553-1- Farby i lakiery, powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo


Pipes, grzejniki, pojazdy, steel test plates, magnesium and aluminum alloys, pre-treated plastics.

3.22 Rupture voltage

Electrodeposition coatings deposit a potential that is no longer controllable, Na przykład, a significant change in film thickness, gas formation, or heat generation

Notatka 1: The rupture voltage can only be determined experimentally by the voltage series.


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