ISO 22553-7-2020, Farby i lakiery – powłoki elektroosadowe – Część 7: Odporność na mokrą warstwę

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This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Farby i lakiery, Podkomisja SC 9, Wspólne metody badań farb i lakierów.

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ISO 22553-7-2020, Farby i lakiery – powłoki elektroosadowe – Część 7: Odporność na mokrą warstwę

Wet film resistivity provides information about the deposition behavior of electrodeposited coatings, to jest, information about film thickness and film thickness variation, homogeneous plating capacity, and possibly deposition properties under specific conditions.

1 Szereg zastosowań
This document specifies a method for determining the resistivity of wet films of electrodeposited coatings (e-coat) for the automotive industry and other general industrial applications (np. cooling units, consumer products, grzejniki, lotniczy, rolnictwo).

2 Normative reference files
When the following documents are referenced in the context, część lub całość stanowią wymagania niniejszego dokumentu. Dla przestarzałych odniesień, obowiązują wersje zawierające wyłącznie cytaty. Za niedatowane cytaty, the most recent version of the referenced document (including any amendments) ma zastosowanie.

ISO 1514, Farby i lakiery — Standard plates for testing

ISO 4618, Farby i lakiery – warunki i definicje

ISO 22553-1, Farby i lakiery – powłoki elektroosadzane – Część 1: Słownictwo

ISO 23321, Rozpuszczalniki do farb i lakierów – softening water for industrial applications – Specyfikacja i metody badań

3 Warunki i definicje
Na potrzeby niniejszego dokumentu, terminy i definicje podane w ISO 4618, ISO 22553-1 i poniżej obowiązują.

3.1 Resistance R

The ratio of the potential difference along a conductor to the current through it

Notatka wpisowa 1: Resistance is given by Ohm’s law as shown in formula (1) :

u is the potential difference;

I is current.
The unit of resistance is ohm (Ω), given by the following formula:

Resistance depends on the material, size (length and cross section) and temperature of the conductor.

[Źródło: ISO 15091:2019, 3.1]

3.2 Resistivity ρ

Cross-sectional area The resistance per unit length of a material

Pozycja Uwaga 1: Resistivity is given by formula (2) :

A is the cross-sectional area of the conductor;

I is the length of the conductor.
Resistivity is measured in ohms · meters (Ω·m).

[Źródło: ISO 15091:2019, 3.2]

3.3 Wet film resistance Rw

Measure the total resistance (3.1) of electrodeposited coatings, including substrates, pretreatments, and other coatings

Notatka 1: When measuring resistance, technical measurement conditions also have an effect, np. membrane, measuring electrode.

Notatka 2 The unit of wet film resistance is ohm (Ω).

3.4 Dynamic wet film resistance

The measured total resistance (3.1) of the electrodeposited coatings (including substrates, pretreatments, and other coatings) is a function of deposition time

Notatka 1 The unit of wet film resistance (3.3) is ohm (Ω).

3.5 Electrostatic wet film resistance

Measure the total resistance (3.1) of the electrodeposited coatings, including substrates, pretreatments and other coatings read out at the end of deposition time

Notatka 1 The unit of wet film resistance (3.3) is ohm (Ω).

3.6 Wet film resistivity ρw

The wet film resistance (3.3) is multiplied by the electrode area relative to the distance between the electrodes

Notatka 1: Wet film resistivity is given by formula (3) :

Rw is wet film resistance;

A is the area of the electrode;

l is the length of the conductor.
The unit of wet film resistivity is ohm ·m (Ω·m).

3.7 Electrical conductivity γ

Reciprocal of resistivity (3.2)

Notatka 1: The conductivity is given by formula (4) :

The unit of conductivity is Siemens · m-1 (S · m-1).

[Źródło: ISO 15091:2019, 3.4]

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