Espectrômetro de fluorescência de raios X para análise de composição de pó de carbono

Toner ou toner é uma substância usada para colorir uma folha em uma impressora ou copiadora a laser. The main components are carbon, iron oxide and tree. The toner consists of particles about 8-10 m in size. Black toner is composed of bonding resin, negro de fumo, electrically charged preparation and external additives. Color toner also needs to add other colors of pigments.
Espectrômetro de fluorescência de raios X para análise de composição de pó de carbono

Our toner and toner composition analyzer EDX9000B PLUS is designed for rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of aluminum, silicon, zinc and iron in toner. Operação simples, resultados de medição precisos, without any chemical reagents. The advantages of the method are simple, fast and economical. It is widely used in the analysis of large workload, and is also often used in the analysis of trace elements. In practical applications such as cement, rock, geochemical samples and the analysis of carbon powder, powder pressing is still a widely used XRF sample preparation method.
The powder pressing sample preparation method is mainly divided into three steps: secar e assar, mixing and grinding and pressing. There are powder direct tablet, powder dilution tablet, with binder substrate and edge and other methods. The prepared toner sample is then quickly analyzed by EDX90008 PLUS, and the test results can be issued in only one minute. The test process is completely lossless, the sample will not be damaged, and the test accuracy, sensitivity and long-term stability meet customer requirements

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