ISO 21968-2019 “Measurement of coating thickness of non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic substrates by phase-sensitive eddy current method

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ISO 21968-2019 “Measurement of coating thickness of non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic substrates by phase-sensitive eddy current method

Orice nume comerciale utilizate în acest document sunt furnizate pentru confortul utilizatorului și nu constituie o aprobare.

Voluntar, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific terminology and express the meaning of and the ISO in the technical barriers to trade (TBT) adhere to the principle of the world trade organization (WTO) information, please see the

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/107, Metal and other Inorganic Coatings.

A doua ediție a anulat și a înlocuit prima ediție revizuită tehnic (ISO 21968:2005). The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

ISO 21968-2019 “Measurement of coating thickness of non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic substrates by phase-sensitive eddy current method

This document has been adapted to the current requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 (also known asGUM: 1995”);

Added hints, practical examples, and simple estimates of measurement uncertainties for important factors;

Added repeatability and reproducibility values for typical applications of the method;

The attachment has been expanded for further application and experimental estimation of factors affecting accuracy.

Any feedback or questions regarding this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

ISO 21968-2019 “Measurement of coating thickness of non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic substrates by phase-sensitive eddy current method

1 Gamă
This document specifies a method for non-destructive measurement of the thickness of non-magnetic metal coatings on metal and non-metallic base materials using a phase-sensitive eddy current instrument, ca:

A) Zinc, cadmiu, cupru, tin or chromium on steel;

b) Copper or silver on composites.

Compared to the amplitude-sensitive eddy current method specified in ISO 2360, the phase-sensitive method can be applied to smaller surface areas and stronger surface curvature without thickness errors and is less affected by the magnetic properties of the underlying material. in orice caz, the phase-sensitive method is more affected by the electrical properties of the coating material.

In this document, the term “strat” is used for materials such as paints and varnishes, electroplating coatings, enamel coatings, plastic coatings, overcoats and powder coatings.

This method is especially suitable for the measurement of metal coating thickness. These coatings can be non-magnetic metal coatings on non-conductive, conductiv, or magnetic substrates, or magnetic coatings on non-conductive or conductive substrates.

Metal coating measurements for metal-based materials are valid only if the product of the conductivity and permeability (σ, μ) of one of the materials is at least twice the product of the conductivity and permeability of the other material. The relative permeability of non-ferromagnetic materials is 1.

ISO 21968-2019 “Measurement of coating thickness of non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic substrates by phase-sensitive eddy current method

2 referințe normative
Următoarele fișiere sunt menționate în text într-o manieră care constituie parțial sau toate cerințele acestui document. Pentru referințe datate, se aplică doar versiunea citată. Pentru referințe nedatate, o nouă versiune a referinței (inclusiv orice revizuiri) se aplică.

ISO 2064, Metallic and other Inorganic coatingsDefinitions and practices relating to thickness measurement

ISO 4618, vopsele și lacuri – Termeni și definiții

ISO/IEC Guide 98-3, Uncertainty in measurement – Parte 3: Guidance for the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM: 1995)

3 Termeni și definiții
În sensul prezentului document, termenii și definițiile date în ISO 2064, ISO 4618 iar următoarele articole se aplică.

ISO 21968-2019 “Measurement of coating thickness of non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic substrates by phase-sensitive eddy current method

3.1 Adjustment of measurement system

A set of operations performed on a measurement system so that it provides a prescribed indication corresponding to a given value of the quantity to be measured

Notă 1: The type of adjustment of a measuring system may include zero adjustment, offset adjustment, and range adjustment (sometimes called gain adjustment) of the measuring system.

Notă 2: Adjustment of a measurement system should not be confused with calibration (3.2), which is a prerequisite for adjustment.

Notă 3: After adjusting the measuring system, the measuring system should usually be recalibrated.

Notă 4: Colloquially, the termcalibrationis often incorrectly used instead of the termadjustment”. Similarly, termenii “verification” și “checkare often used in place of the correct termscalibration”.

[Sursă: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 3.11 (also known asVIM”), modifiedarticle note 4 added.

3.2 Calibrare

Under specified conditions, the first step establishes a relationship between a quantitative value with the measurement uncertainty provided by the measurement standard and the corresponding indication with the relevant measurement uncertainty, and the second step uses this information to establish a relationship in order to obtain the measurement result from the indication

ISO 21968-2019 “Measurement of coating thickness of non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic substrates by phase-sensitive eddy current method

Notă 1: Calibration can be expressed in terms of sentences, calibration functions, calibration diagrams, calibration curves, or calibration tables. In unele cazuri, it may include addition or multiplication correction for indications with associated measurement uncertainty.

Notă 2: Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of the measurement system (3.1), often incorrectly referred to asself-calibration”, nor should it be confused with calibration verification.

Notă 3: În general, the first step in the above definition is itself considered calibration.

[Sursă: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 2.39 (also known asVIM”)]

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