ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

ISO (Organizația Internațională pentru Standardizare) este o alianță globală a organismelor naționale de standardizare (organismele membre ISO). Elaborarea standardelor internaționale se realizează de obicei prin intermediul comitetelor tehnice ISO. Fiecare instituție membră interesată de un subiect pe care a fost înființat un comitet tehnic are dreptul de a fi reprezentată în respectivul comitet. Organizațiile internaționale guvernamentale și neguvernamentale care au legătură cu ISO sunt, de asemenea, implicate în această activitate. ISO lucrează îndeaproape cu Comisia Electrotehnică Internațională (IEC) în toate problemele de standardizare electrică.

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ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

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Comitetul responsabil pentru acest document este ISO/TC 172, Optica si Fotonica, Subcomisia SC 1, Basic Standards.

A treia ediție anulează și înlocuiește ediția a doua (ISO 9022-1:2012), which has been revised to reflect changes made to the ISO 9022 series.

ISO 9022 consists of the following parts under the general heading Optics and PhotonicsEnvironmental Test Methods:

ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

– Parte 1: Defining and testing the scope

– Parte 2: Cold, heat and wet

– Parte 3: Stresul mecanic

– Parte 4: Salt spray

– Parte 6: Dust

– Parte 7: Resistance to dripping or rain

– Parte 8: High internal pressure, low internal pressure, immersion

– Parte 9: Solar radiation and weathering

– Parte 11: Mold growth

– Parte 12: Pollution

– Parte 14: Dew, frost, ice

– Parte 17: Combined pollution, solar radiation

– Parte 20: Humid atmospheres containing sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide

– Parte 22: Combination of cold, dry heat or temperature changes with bumps or random vibrations

– Parte 23: Low pressure combined with cold, ambient temperature and dry or humid heat

ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

Optical instruments are subject to many different environmental parameters during use, which need to be resisted without significantly degrading performance and remaining within prescribed specifications.

The type and severity of these parameters depend on the conditions under which the instrument is used (de exemplu, in a laboratory or workshop) and its geographical location. In tropical and subtropical climates, the effect of the environment on the performance of optical instruments is completely different from that found when used in the Arctic region. Each parameter will have different overlapping effects on the performance of the instrument.

Manufacturers try to ensure that, naturally, users expect the instrument to be resistant to the rigors that its environment can bring throughout its life cycle. This expectation can be assessed by exposing the instrument to a range of simulated environmental parameters under controlled laboratory conditions. The severity of these diseases is often increased in order to achieve meaningful results in a relatively short period of time.

To evaluate and compare the response of optical instruments to appropriate environmental conditions, ISO 9022 contains detailed information on many laboratory tests that reliably simulate a wide range of different environments. These tests are primarily based on IEC standards, modified if necessary to take into account the specific functions of the optical instrument.

ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

Due to the continuous progress in various fields, optical instruments are no longer just precision designed optical products, but also include other components from other fields, depending on their range of application. Prin urmare, the main functions of the instrument will be evaluated to determine which international standard should be used for testing. If optical functions are important, then ISO 9022 is applicable, but if other functions take precedence, then appropriate international standards in the relevant fields should be applied. There may be situations where ISO 9022 and other appropriate international standards need to be applied simultaneously.

1 Gamă
Această parte a ISO 9022 defines terms related to environmental testing of optical and photonic instruments, including other components from other fields (such as mechanical, chemical and electronic devices), and specifies the essential characteristics of testing.

2 Termeni și definiții
În sensul prezentului document, se aplică următorii termeni și definiții.

2.1 Environmental test

Laboratory simulations, often severe, of climatic, mechanical, biological, electrical (including electrostatic) and chemical environmental effects acting on specimens during assembly, depozitare, transport and handling in order to identify any changes in specimen behaviour within a short period of time

2.2 Optical Instruments

Instruments whose functions are primarily based on optical phenomena, consisting of multiple components and/or assemblies, lighting systems, instruments with light conduction, and instruments containing components and/or assemblies from other fields in addition to optical units

Exemplu: electronic components.

2.3 Optical Components

A functional unit consists of a number of components, at least one of which has an optical function

ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

2.4 Components

< Optical Instruments > The smallest unit, usually consisting of one piece and one material

2.5 Representative Samples

Samples that differ from components only in geometry

Exemplu: optical parts or sheet metal.

2.6 Specimen

An instrument, component, assembly, or representative sample being tested

2.7 Testing

Procedure for determining and evaluating the effect of application parameters on sample characteristics

2.8 Regulation

The sum of the external influences acting on the specimen during the test, such as the method of adjustment and the severity of the application, and the sum of the internal influences arising from the operating state of the specimen, such as movement and/or temperature changes

2.8.1 Conditioning methods

Individual or combined environmental impacts of specimens submitted during testing

Exemplu: Shock or damp heat.

ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

2.8.2 Severity

Contains all the individual numbers of parameters required for the test

Exemplu: temperatura, umiditate, adjustment time.

Notă 1: The adjustment time (exposure time) is the minimum time when tolerances are not indicated in the relevant part of ISO 9022.

2.8.3 Running Status

Defines the state of the sample’s operating state during conditioning

Notă 1: Distinguish three operating states: operating state 0, operating state 1, and operating state 2. Operation Status 0

The condition of the specimen in the normal transport and/or storage container and/or transport package provided by the manufacturer respectively Operation Status 1

The condition in which the specimen is unprotected and ready for operation but not connected to a power source Operation Status 2

The state of the specimen during the test run for a period of time, which will be determined in the relevant specification

ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

Notă 1: The mode of the operating state is given in the relevant specification. During operation, check whether the sample is working properly.

2.9 Exams and tests

Determine the characteristics and functions of the sample for subsequent evaluation

Notă 1: There are three types of inspection and testing: visual inspection, functional testing and measurement.

2.9.1 Visual inspection

Inspection using the human eye as a detector

2.9.2 Function Test

Functional determination

ISO 9022-1-2016 “Optica si instrumente optice – Metode de testare a mediului – Parte 1: Definiție, domeniul de aplicare al testului”

2.9.3 Measurement

To objectively determine the value of a physical quantity by comparing it with a specified quantity

2.10 Evaluation

Compare results measured during initial, intermediate and final tests or to specified tolerances

2.11 Related Specifications

Compile all data related to the sample and data required for testing

2.12 Environmental atmospheric conditions

Conditions are defined by a temperature range of 15 °C to 35 °C, with relative air humidity between 30% și 85%

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