Перечень основных свойств и методы испытаний покрытия из искусственного камня

Покрытие, имитирующее камень, является разновидностью материала для отделки наружных стен., его основные компоненты - смола, пигмент, наполнитель, и т. д., through the specific process and technology processing. Stone imitation coating can simulate the appearance and texture of natural stone, with good waterproof, пыленепроницаемый, stain resistance, weather resistance and other characteristics, suitable for the external wall decoration and protection of various buildings, such as high-grade residential, villa, commercial complex, и т. д.. Its unique imitation stone texture and diversified color choices can give different styles and features to buildings to meet the different decoration needs of consumers.

Перечень основных свойств и методы испытаний покрытия из искусственного камня

Test performance and test steps

Название спектакляИспользуемые инструменты и оборудованиеШаг обнаружения
Устойчивость к атмосферным воздействиямArtificial climate chamber1. Place the stone imitation paint samples in an artificial climate box to conduct exposure tests under different environmental conditions; 2. Observe the surface changes of the coated sample, such as cra
Сила сцепленияТестер адгезии1. Scratch a straight line on the surface of the imitation stone coating; 2. Используйте тестер адгезии для измерения адгезии поверхности покрытия.
Устойчивость к стиркеWash durability testing machine1. Place the stone imitation coating sample in the wash durability testing machine; 2. Conduct a wash test to observe the wash resistance of the coated sample
Устойчивость к загрязнениямContaminant attachment tester1. Place the sample of stone imitation coating in the pollutant attachment testing machine; 2. The coating samples were exposed to different pollutants to observe the attachment of pollutants
Freeze-thaw cycle resistanceFreeze-thaw test chamber1. Place the sample of imitation stone coating in the freeze-thaw test chamber; 2. Conduct several freeze-thaw cycle tests to observe the changes of coated samples
Alkali resistance propertypH-метр1. Soak the sample of imitation stone paint in an aqueous solution with pH 9; 2. Use a pH meter to measure the pH value of the aqueous solution and observe the changes of the coated sample
Плотность плотностиПлотномер1. Place the sample of imitation stone coating in the densitometer; 2. Measure the density of the stone imitation paint sample

Перечень основных свойств и методы испытаний покрытия из искусственного камня

It is necessary to pay attention to the control of the testing environment and the selection of the testing time to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results when testing the special performance of the stone imitation coating, например, устойчивость к атмосферным воздействиям, washing resistance, pollution resistance and freeze-thaw cycle resistance.

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