ASTM D1849-19 Standard Test Method for Stability of Coating Packaging


The test method includes procedures for testing the packaging stability of liquid coatings by determining changes in the consistency and certain other properties of solvent or water reducible coatings when stored above a certain temperature. Test equipment includes scraper, вискозиметар, paint brush and test surface. Test samples should be collected from received and stored samples. The sample should be observed for any crusting, corrosion, spoilage odor, rarities or acidification, underlying rigidity, consistency and the presence of clumps or streaks in the drawn film.

The abstract is a brief overview of the reference standards. It is for informational purposes only and is not an official part of the standard; Reference to the full text of the standard itself is required for its use and application. ASTM makes no WARRANTY of any kind, изричито или имплицитно, and does not represent that the contents of this summary are accurate, комплетан или нов.

ASTM D1849-19 Standard Test Method for Stability of Coating Packaging


1.1 This test method covers changes in consistency and certain other properties of solvent reducible or water diluent liquid coatings when stored at temperatures above 0°C (32°F).

1.2 Вредности изражене у СИ јединицама сматрају се стандардним. Вредности дате у заградама су само за референцу.

1.3 Овај стандард није намењен решавању свих безбедносних питања, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Users of this standard are responsible for establishing appropriate safety, health and environmental practices and determining the applicability of regulatory restrictions prior to use.

1.4 This international standard is developed in accordance with the internationally recognized standardization principles established in the “Одлука о принципима за развој међународних стандарда, Смернице и препоруке” издао Комитет за техничке баријере у трговини (ТБТ) Светске трговинске организације.

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