ASTM D4086-2018 Standard Practice for Visual Assessment of Anisotropy

Значење и употреба

4.1 Whitening color matching is due to the use of different colorants (pigments, боје, итд.) to achieve the same color matching. Обично, buyers require color matching to be non-standard; This practice allows for rapid testing of the requirement both in the field and in the laboratory. If non-polymer matching is not possible or feasible, certain restrictions on metamerism may be required due to cost or other reasons. The procedure for estimating the degree of metachromatism described in this practice provides a means of assessing the effectiveness of this limitation.

ASTM D4086-2018 Standard Practice for Visual Assessment of Anisotropy

Корак 1: Обим

1.1 This practice describes visual methods for detecting isochromatic spectra and estimating the magnitude of chromatic aberrations in isochromatic spectra.

1.2 Practice is limited to the consideration of light source isochroma and observer isochroma. This practice does not include gonioapparent samples.

1.3 This approach does not provide for the calculation of the isochromatic index based on instrumental measurements of spectral characteristics.

1.4 Овај стандард није намењен да реши све безбедносне проблеме, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Одговорност корисника овог стандарда је да успоставе одговарајућу безбедност, здравствене и еколошке праксе и да се утврди применљивост регулаторних ограничења пре употребе.

1.5 The international standard is based on internationally recognized standardization principles established in the “Одлука о принципима за развој међународних стандарда, Смернице и препоруке” издао Комитет за техничке баријере у трговини (ТБТ) Светске трговинске организације.

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