ИСО 8504-2-219 “Preparation of steel substrates before use of paints and related products – Методе површинске обраде – Парт 2: Sandblasting cleaning

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This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Боје и лакови, Subcommittee SC 12, Preparing steel substrates prior to application of paints and related products.

The third edition cancels and replaces the technically revised second edition (ИСО 8504-2:2000). Главне промене у односу на претходно издање су следеће:

Updating Article 2, normative reference;

Edit and revise.

A list of all the parts in the ISO 8504 series can be found on the ISO website.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at iso.org/members.html.

ИСО 8504-2-219 “Preparation of steel substrates before use of paints and related products – Методе површинске обраде – Парт 2: Sandblasting cleaning

The properties of protective coatings applied to steel and related products are significantly affected by the state of the steel surface before coating. Главни фактори за које се зна да утичу на овај учинак су

the presence of rust and dirt,

The presence of surface contaminants, укључујући и со, прашина, уље и маст, и

Surface outline.

ИСО 8501, ИСО 8502, и ИСО 8503 series provide methods for assessing these factors, док ИСО 8504 series provides requirements and guidance for preparation methods that can be used to clean steel substrates, indicating the ability of each method to achieve specified levels of cleanliness.

ИСО 8504 series is suitable for new and corroded steel surfaces as well as uncoated or previously coated steel surfaces with paints and related products.

These international standards do not contain provisions for protective coating systems applied to steel surfaces. They do not contain provisions for surface quality requirements specific to specific cases, even though surface quality can directly influence the choice of protective coating to be applied and its properties. These provisions are found in other documents such as national standards and codes of practice. Users of these international standards should ensure the prescribed quality

Compatible with and applicable to the environmental conditions to which the steel is to be exposed and the protective coating system to be used, и

Within the capacity of the specified cleaning procedure.

The main purpose of the finish is to ensure the removal of harmful substances and to obtain a surface that allows the primer to have satisfactory adhesion to the steel. It is also designed to help reduce the amount of contaminants that cause corrosion.

Sand blasting cleaning is the most effective method of mechanical surface treatment. It is widely used because this surface treatment method has many of the versatile functions listed below.

This method allows for high productivity.

The device can be fixed or mobile and adapted to the object to be cleaned.

This method is suitable for most types and forms of steel surfaces.

Many different surface states can be produced, such as different preparation grades and surface profiles.

Can produce cleaning, shot peening, coarsening, smooth grinding and other effects.

Selective removal of some failed coatings, leaving sound coatings intact.

Abrasive bounce (rebound) cleans otherwise inaccessible areas.

1 домет
This document specifies the method of sandblasting cleaning the surface of the steel before painting and related products are applied. It provides information about the effectiveness of each method and its application area. It describes the equipment to use and the procedures to follow.

Note that these methods are mainly used for hot rolled steel to remove scale, rust, итд., but can also be used for cold rolled steel of sufficient thickness to withstand deformation caused by abrasive impact.

ИСО 8504-2-219 “Preparation of steel substrates before use of paints and related products – Методе површинске обраде – Парт 2: Sandblasting cleaning

2 Normative references
The following files are referenced in the text in such a way that some or all of the content constitutes the requirements of this document. За датиране референце, citation-only versions apply. For undated references, the latest version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 4628-3, Боје и лакови – Assessment of coating degradationDesignation of intensity of uniform change in the number and size of defects and appearance – Парт 3: Assessment of degree of rusting

ИСО 8501 (all parts), Preparation of steel substrates prior to painting and related productsvisual assessment of surface cleanliness

ИСО 8502 (all parts), Preparation of steel substrateSurface cleanliness Assessment tests prior to coating of paints and related products

ИСО 8503 (all parts), Preparation of Steel substrate prior to application of paint and related productssandblasting clean the surface roughness characteristics of steel substrate

ИСО 11124 (all parts), Specification for Preparation of Steel SubstrateMetal Sandblasting cleaning abrasives prior to application of paint and related products

ИСО 11126 (all parts), Preparation of Steel Substrates prior to application of paints and related products-Specification for Non-metallic abrasive blasting for cleaning

3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 Sand blasting cleaning

The high kinetic energy abrasive flow is impounded onto the surface to be prepared

3.2 Sand blast cleaning abrasives

Solid materials for sandblasting cleaning (3.1)

3.3 Shooting

A predominantly circular grain, less than twice the maximum grain width, and free of edges, broken surfaces, or other sharp surface defects

3.4 Gravel

The main angular, surface fracture, sharp edge, shape less than semicircle particles

3.5 Cylinder

A sharp-edged particle with a diameter to length ratio of 1:1 and cut so that its face is approximately at right angles to its center line

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