国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)

国际标准化组织 (国际标准化组织) 是国家标准机构的全球联盟 (ISO成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已成立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员机构都有权在该委员会中派代表参加. 与 ISO 联络的国际政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (国际电工委员会) 关于电气标准化的所有问题.

用于开发本文件的程序以及用于进一步维护的程序在第 1 部分中进行了描述。 1 ISO/IEC 指令的. 尤其, 应注意不同类型ISO文件所需的不同批准标准. 本文件根据 ISO/IEC 指令部分的编辑规则起草 2 (请参阅 iso.org/directives).

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国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)


自主性, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (技术性贸易壁垒) 坚持世界贸易组织原则 (世贸组织) 信息, please refer to the iso.org/iso/foreword.html.

This document has been prepared by the Technical Committee ISO/TC 6 (纸, 纸板和纸浆), SC 2 Subcommittees (Test methods and quality specifications for paper and paperboard) in collaboration with the Technical Committee CEN/TC 172 (纸浆, 纸和纸板) of the European Committee for Standardization (欧洲标准化委员会). In accordance with the Technical Cooperation Agreement between ISO and CEN (维也纳协定).

第三版取消并取代第二版 (国际标准化组织 12625-7:2014), 已进行技术修订.

The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

Alternative formulas in 11.2.1 have been removed because they are not related to tissue paper.

国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)

ISO 中所有部分的列表 12625 系列可以在 ISO 网站上找到.

有关本文件的任何反馈或问题应直接提交给用户的国家标准机构. A complete list of these institutions can be found at iso.org/members.html.

Brightness and chrominance measurements can be made under a variety of lighting and viewing conditions. This document deals with D65/10° conditions, which refer to outdoor daylight.

国际标准化组织 12625-15 takes into account the C/2° condition (indoor daylight). While both international standards deal with brightness and color, the results obtained are often different and uncorrelated.

国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)

Optical measurement is affected by the geometry of the instrument used and the texture of the material. The instrument design used in accordance with this document and the routines used for calibration are specified in ISO 2469 和ISO 11475.

Optical properties are related to the visual appearance of the material. 所以, although optical properties are inherent to tissue paper, they are not functional properties.

Luminance should not be confused with an optical property called CIE whiteness, which is based on reflectance data obtained over the entire visible spectral range (VIS), while luminance measurements are limited to the blue region of the VIS.

Because of its importance to some countries, three different test methods have been developed to determine the optical properties:

– 这个文件, 12625-7.国际标准化组织;

—ISO 12625-15;

– 国际标准化组织 12625-16.

国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)

1 范围
This document specifies an instrumental test procedure for determining the brightness and color of tissue paper and tissue products observed under outdoor daylight conditions. It also provides specific instructions for the preparation of specimens (single layer, multi-layer products) and the optical measurement of products, where special precautions may be required.

Note that properties called ISO brightness and chroma at C/2° (indoor daylight) are measured using instruments adjusted to much lower UV content than specified in this document. 国际标准化组织 12625-15 describes ISO brightness and chromaticity measured using C/2° (indoor daylight).

2 规范性引用文件
以下文件以文本方式引用,构成本文件的部分或全部要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, 新版本的参考 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 186, 纸和纸板 – 抽样以确定平均质量

国际标准化组织 187, 纸, 纸板和纸浆 – 用于调节和测试的标准大气以及用于监测样品大气和调节的程序

国际标准化组织 2469, 纸, 纸板和纸浆 – Measurement of diffuse reflectance coefficient (diffuse reflectance coefficient)

国际标准化组织 4094, 纸, Board and PulpGeneral requirements for laboratory capabilities authorized to publish Level 3 optical reference transfer standards

国际标准化组织 11475:2017, 纸和纸板 – Determination of CIE whiteness, D65/10 degrees (室外日光)

国际标准化组织/国际照明委员会 11664-4, 比色法 – 部分 4: 国际工程师协会 1976 L*a*b* Color space

国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)

3 术语和定义
就本文件而言, 以下术语和定义适用.

ISO 和 IEC 在以下地址维护标准化术语数据库:

– ISO在线浏览平台: 参见 iso.org/obp

– IEC电子百科全书: 可以在 electropedia.org/ 上找到

3.1 Diffuse reflection radiation coefficient R

The ratio of radiation reflected and emitted from an object to radiation reflected from a good reflection diffuser under the same diffuse illumination and normal detection conditions

笔记 1: The ratio is usually expressed as a percentage.

[来源: 国际标准化组织 2469:2014, 3.2]

国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)

3.2 Inherent diffuse reflection radiation coefficient R∞

The diffuse reflection radiation coefficient (3.1) of thickness to an opaque material layer or pad, IE. increasing the thickness of the pad by doubling the amount of paper, results in no change in the measured radiation coefficient

笔记 1: The radiation coefficient of a single opaque sheet depends on the background, not the material properties.

笔记 2: The ratio is usually expressed as a percentage.

[来源: 国际标准化组织 2469:2014, 3.3]

3.3 Reflectivity coefficient

The flux reflected in the direction of a given cone with its vertex at a surface element is the quotient of the flux reflected in the same direction by a reflection diffuser equally irradiated or illuminated

笔记 1: The ratio is usually expressed as a percentage.

笔记 2: This term should only be used when the test material is known not to emit light (荧光).

[来源: CIE S 017 ILV: 2020, 17-24-070]

3.4D65 brightness

The inherent diffuse radiation coefficient (3.2) is measured using a reflectormeter with the characteristics described in ISO 2469, equipped with a filter with an effective wavelength of 457nm (half-bandwidth of 44nm) or corresponding function, and adjusted so that the UV content of the radiation incident on the sample under test corresponds to the UV content of the CIE standard light source D65

笔记 1: The weighting factors given in ISO 2470-2 describe the filtering function more fully.

国际标准化组织 12625-7-2021 卫生纸及卫生纸制品 – 部分 7: 使用 D65/10° 测量亮度和色度 (室外日光)

3.5 三刺激值

X 10, 是 10, Z 10

在给定的三色系统中, 需要参考颜色刺激的量来匹配所考虑的刺激的颜色

笔记 1: In ISO 5631-2, the CIE standard light source D65 and the CIE 1964 (10°) standard observer are used to define the tricolor system.

笔记 2: Subscript 10 is used to conform to the CIE convention that when using the CIE 1964 (10°) 标准比色观察器, the tristimulus unit has subscript 10.

[来源: CIE S 017 ILV: 2020, 17-23-038]

3.6 颜色 (D65/10°)

Based on the L*, A*, and b* values of the CIELAB 1976 system sample described in ISO/CIE 11664-4, Corresponding to the CIE standard light source D65 described in ISO 11664-2 and the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric viewer described in ISO/CIE 11664-1, determined by measurement under the conditions specified in ISO 5631-2

笔记 1: The quantity L* is a measure of the brightness of the test piece, 其中 L* = 0 对应于黑色且 L* = 100 由良好的反射扩散器定义. 视觉上, 量 a* 和 b* 表示颜色空间中的红绿轴和黄蓝轴, 分别, 这样

– +a* 是测试件红度的度量,

— -a* is a measure of the greenness of the test piece.

– +b*是测试件黄变程度的量度,

– -b* is a measure of the blueness of the test component, 和

– 如果 a* 和 b* 都等于 0, 标本是灰色的.

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