国际标准化组织 6504-3-2019 – 油漆和清漆遮盖力的测定 – 部分 3: 砖石遮盖力的测定, 混凝土和室内涂料

国际标准化组织 (国际标准化组织) 是一个由国家标准机构组成的全球联盟 (ISO成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已成立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员团体都有权在委员会中派代表参加. 国际组织, 与 ISO 联络的政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (国际电工委员会) 关于电工标准化的所有问题.

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Voluntary interpretation, 相关标准和合格评定相关的ISO特定术语和表达的含义以及ISO在技术性贸易壁垒中的含义 (技术性贸易壁垒) 坚持世界贸易组织原则 (世贸组织) 信息, please see the iso.org/iso/foreword.html.

国际标准化组织 6504-3-2019 – 油漆和清漆遮盖力的测定 – 部分 3: 砖石遮盖力的测定, 混凝土和室内涂料

This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, 油漆和清漆, 分委会SC 9, 油漆和清漆的通用测试方法.

The third edition eliminates and replaces the technically revised second edition (国际标准化组织 6504-3:2006). The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

The title and scope are limited to masonry and concrete coatings;

Added the definition of light paint;

Introduction of a new method applicable only to water-based coatings (Method C);

The determination of mass per unit area of dry coating and the determination of actual spread rate have been deleted (国际标准化组织 3233-3 can be used instead);

The reference to a fixed spread rate has been removed from the introduction, scope and test report (it was removed from the previous version of the program);

Historical precision values for methods A and B have been removed from the specification section, and information on new inter-laboratory comparisons for Method C has been added to the informational annex, 附录A;

Updated normative citation documents.

A list of all parts of the ISO 6504 系列可以在 ISO 网站上找到.

国际标准化组织 6504-3-2019 – 油漆和清漆遮盖力的测定 – 部分 3: 砖石遮盖力的测定, 混凝土和室内涂料

When determining the hiding power of masonry and concrete coatings, there are two techniques that can be used for substrate preparation and measurement:

A) Apply to colorless transparent foil, and then place the coated foil on the black and white panels in turn;

乙) Direct application to black and white charts.

The spread rate is important for determining the covering power ratio. The spread rate can be determined according to ISO 3233-3 or according to another simplified method described in the standard specified in EN 13300 applicable to interior wall and ceiling coatings.

Because different operators using the same pull-down device will obtain coatings with significantly different thicknesses, this document describes an absolute opacity determination method. Collaborative trials between expert groups from multiple countries/regions have shown that reproducible results can be obtained by interpolating between measurements at two or more nearby measured coating thickness and including the specified spread rate to determine the covering power corresponding to the accurately specified spread rate. Stakeholders may agree on a specified transmission rate.

These methods are based on the observation that the hiding power is approximately a linear function of the inverse of the spread rate over a limited range of coating thickness that also corresponds to normal application of white or light paint. 因此, it is possible to interpolate between the results obtained with coatings of different thicknesses either graphically or by calculation with satisfactory accuracy.

国际标准化组织 6504-3-2019 – 油漆和清漆遮盖力的测定 – 部分 3: 砖石遮盖力的测定, 混凝土和室内涂料

1 适用范围
This document specifies the method for determining the hiding power, white or light color tristimulus values Y and Y 10 比...更棒 25 paint coating applied to black and white charts or colorless transparent foil. In the latter case, the tristimulus values Y and Y 10 are measured on the black and white panels. 随后, the hiding power was calculated from these tristimulus values.

The document also provides for a simple method to calculate the diffusivity of coatings with low volatile matter content and low evaporation rates, such as interior wall and ceiling coatings specified in EN 13300.

2 规范性引用文件
当文中引用下列文件时, 其部分或全部内容构成本文件的要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的引文, 新版本的引文文件 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 1513, 油漆和清漆 — 测试样品的检查和准备

国际标准化组织 2811 (所有部分), 油漆和清漆 — 密度的测定

国际标准化组织 3251, 油漆, varnishments and plastics – 不挥发物质含量的测定

国际标准化组织 3233-3:2015, Paints and varnishes-determination of percentage of nonvolatile matter by volume – 部分 3: Nonvolatile matter content, density of coating materials and density of solvents in coatings as determined in accordance with ISO 3251

国际标准化组织 15528, 油漆, 清漆以及油漆和清漆的原材料 — 采样

在 13300, 油漆和清漆 – Water-based paints and coating systems for interior walls and ceilingsClassification

国际标准化组织 6504-3-2019 – 油漆和清漆遮盖力的测定 – 部分 3: 砖石遮盖力的测定, 混凝土和室内涂料

3 术语和定义

就本文件而言, 以下术语和定义适用.

ISO 和 IEC 在以下地址维护标准化术语数据库:

– ISO在线浏览平台iso.org/obp

– IEC 百科全书: 可以在 electropedia.org/ 上找到

3.1 Light paint

Coatings with tristimulus values Y and Y 10 比...更棒 25 were measured with a spectrophotometer on a black and white substrate

[来源: 国际标准化组织 6504-1:2019, 3.1]

3.2 Transmission rate

A certain amount of paint can cover the surface area to provide the desired thickness of the dry film

笔记 1: Expressed as m 2 /l or m 2 /公斤.

参赛须知 2: See also application rate, actual spread rate, and theoretical spread rate.

[来源: 国际标准化组织 4618:2014, 2.238]

3.3 Actual seeding rate

Actual spread rate obtained on the specific substrate to be coated (3.2)

[来源: 国际标准化组织 4618:2014, 2.203]

3.4 Theoretical spread rate

Diffusivity based only on the volume of non-volatile matter (3.2)

[来源: 国际标准化组织 4618:2014, 2.256]

国际标准化组织 6504-3-2019 – 油漆和清漆遮盖力的测定 – 部分 3: 砖石遮盖力的测定, 混凝土和室内涂料

3.5 Hiding Power


参赛须知 1: 德语表达方式 “不透明度” 和 “覆盖范围” 应该避免.

参赛须知 2: 期限 “覆盖范围” 是不明确的,因为它在某些情况下指覆盖性,而在其他情况下指传输率. 应始终使用更精确的术语来涵盖功率和扩散率.

[来源: 国际标准化组织 4618:2014, 2.138]

3.6 Tristimulus value (color stimulus)

在给定的三色系统中, the number of the three reference stimuli needs to match the color of the stimulus under consideration

笔记 1: In the CIE standard chrominance system, the tristimulus values are represented by the symbols X, 是, Z and X 10, 是 10, Z 10.

[来源: ISO 11664‑2:2007, 3.14]

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