Guide standard ASTM D333-2021 pour les laques transparentes et pigmentées

Signification et objectif
3.1 These test methods are designed to compile and provide screening tests to evaluate clear and pigmented lacquers used in different coating operations.

3.2 Each coating system can consist of a simple one-coat operation to a multi-coat finishing system.

3.3 Substrates can be diverse, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastic or wood, which can affect the performance of a given coating system.

3.4 chemical or physical cleaning base material is one of the important and key aspects of coating system performance.

3.5 The results of the various tests may not all be useful in assessing the performance of the different types of coating systems used on many different substrates.

Guide standard ASTM D333-2021 pour les laques transparentes et pigmentées

Champ d'application
1.1 These test methods cover procedures for testing lacquers and lacquer coatings. Tableau 1 répertorie les méthodes de test incluses.

Note 1: according to the term D16, paint is defined as based on dissolved in organic solvent in the synthesis of thermoplastic film forming materials and mainly by the solvent evaporation drying coating combination. Typical lacquer includes based on nitrocellulose lacquer and other cellulose derivatives, vinyl resin, acrylic resin, etc..

Note 2: the paint can be in such a variety of conditions on the coating on the surface of many different, and the dry film could be affected by so many wear and exposed, to be through a single selection of test method and the numerical results to ensure that the required performance. Technicians in the field of lacquer technology can find partial guarantees of obtaining the required quality in various types of lacquers by carefully selecting the methods covered in this paper and intelligently interpreting their results.

Note 3: The ultimate aim is to remove all experimental procedures from test method D333 and establish them as a guide for choosing a lacquer test method and possibly interpreting its results. For the time being, a number of tests remain in Test Method D333 that are too short or currently inappropriate to be established under a separate ASTM name.

Guide standard ASTM D333-2021 pour les laques transparentes et pigmentées

1.2 to SI units shall be deemed to be standard. The values given in the brackets are for reference only.

1.3 Cette norme n'est pas destinée à traiter tous les problèmes de sécurité, si seulement, associé à son utilisation. Il est de la responsabilité de l'utilisateur de cette norme d'établir des mesures de sécurité appropriées., pratiques sanitaires et environnementales et pour déterminer l’applicabilité des restrictions réglementaires avant utilisation.

1.4 La présente Norme internationale a été élaborée conformément aux principes de normalisation internationalement reconnus établis dans la Décision sur les principes pour l'élaboration de normes internationales., Lignes directrices et recommandations émises par le Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce.

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