ISO 8780-6-1990 “Metode dispersi untuk mengevaluasi sifat dispersi pigmen dan bahan pengisi — Bagian 6: Dispersi menggunakan gilingan tiga rol”

kata pengantar
ISO (Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi) adalah federasi global badan standar nasional (badan anggota ISO). Pengembangan standar internasional biasanya dilakukan melalui komite teknis ISO. Setiap kelompok anggota yang tertarik pada suatu topik yang telah dibentuk komite teknisnya berhak untuk diwakili dalam Komite. Internasional, organisasi pemerintah dan non-pemerintah yang bekerja sama dengan ISO juga terlibat dalam pekerjaan ini. ISO bekerja sama dengan Komisi Elektroteknik Internasional (IEC) tentang segala hal standardisasi kelistrikan.

Rancangan standar internasional yang diadopsi oleh Komite Teknis akan diedarkan ke badan-badan anggota untuk pemungutan suara. Publikasi sebagai standar internasional memerlukan persetujuan setidaknya melalui pemungutan suara 75% dari badan anggota.

ISO standar internasional 8780-6 was developed by the ISO/TC 35 Technical Committee on Paints and Varnishes.

ISO 8780 consists of the following sections under the general heading Pigments and IncrementsDispersion Methods for assessing dispersion properties:

— Bagian 1: Perkenalan

— Bagian 2: Dispersion using oscillating motors

— Bagian 3: Dispersion using high speed impeller mill

— Bagian 4: Dispersi menggunakan bead mill

— Bagian 5: Using an automatic grinder for dispersion

— Bagian 6: Dispersion using a three-roll grinder

Appendix A forms an integral part of this part of ISO 8780.

ISO 8780-6-1990 “Metode dispersi untuk mengevaluasi sifat dispersi pigmen dan bahan pengisi — Bagian 6: Dispersi menggunakan gilingan tiga rol”

1 Lingkup aplikasi
Bagian dari ISO ini 8780 specifies a method for dispersing pigments and increments using a three-roll grinder. The results allow conclusions to be drawn about the behavior of the test product when dispersed using the corresponding production machine. Bagian dari ISO ini 8780 is used in conjunction with the evaluation methods described in ISO 8781, using an agreed upon high viscosity adhesive system that does not contain volatile substances. Itu harus dibaca bersama dengan ISO 8780-1.

This method is limited to high viscosity abrasives. In order to improve the precision of the method, it is suggested that the dispersion procedure of the test pigment and the agreed reference pigment should be carried out at the same temperature.

The results obtained are not suitable for comparison with the dispersion results obtained using other dispersion methods.

Catatan 1 The advantages of the three-high mill described in this section of ISO 8780 are ease of handling the equipment, the ability to prepare sufficient quantities of abrasive for extensive evaluation procedures, ease of cleaning and associated probable results with the results of the production machinery. Unlike dispersion devices used for low-viscosity abrasive formulations, three-roll grinders such as those described in this part of ISO 8780 allow processing of a variety of high-viscosity abrasive formulations. Because of this greater flexibility, it is not necessary to precisely specify the appropriate color paste formula.

2 File referensi normatif
Standar berikut memuat ketentuan yang, by reference, constitute the provisions of this part of ISO 8780. Pada saat publikasi, versi yang ditampilkan valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to an agreement based on this part of ISO 8780 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest versions of the following standards. Anggota IEC dan ISO memelihara daftar standar internasional yang saat ini berlaku.

ISO 787-24:1985, General methods of test for pigments and increments – Bagian 24: Determination of the relative tinting force of coloured pigments and the relative scattering force of white pigments – metode fotometrik.

ISO 842:1984, Bahan Baku Cat dan Pernis – Contoh.

ISO 1524:1983 Cat dan pernis – Determination of grinding fineness.

ISO 8780-1:1990, pigments and incrementsDispersion methods for the evaluation of dispersion properties — Bagian 1: Perkenalan.

ISO 8781-1:1990, pigments and incrementsMethods for assessing dispersion properties – Bagian 1: Assessment against changes in the tint strength of coloured pigments.

ISO 8781-2:1990, pigments and incrementsMethod for assessing dispersion properties – Bagian 2: Assessment against changes in grinding fineness.

ISO 8781-3:1990, pigments and incrementsMethods for assessing dispersion properties – Bagian 3: Assessment from changes in gloss.

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