Metodo di prova standard ASTM D1005-95-2020 per la misurazione dello spessore del film secco dei rivestimenti organici utilizzando il micrometro

Significato e scopo
3.1 Questo metodo di prova è particolarmente adatto per la misurazione di pellicole libere, and also suitable for the measurement of films on laboratory test plates.

3.2 The accuracy and accuracy of the thickness measurement may be affected by the deformation ability of the coating. This test method is not applicable to coatings that are prone to deformation under the load of the measuring instrument.

3.3 When the coating is applied to laboratory test plates, the accuracy and accuracy of the thickness measurement is also affected by the uniformity of the substrate.

Ambito di applicazione
1.1 This test method includes the use of a micrometer to measure the dry film thickness of paint, varnisher, lacquer and related products. Programs A and B used fixed micrometers, and programs C and D used handheld micrometers. Procedures A and C are not recommended for films less than 12.5 µm (0.5 mille) in thickness. The minimum thickness required for procedures B and D is a function of the minimum thickness required to be able to remove the sample as a free film.

1.2 The following procedures appear:

1.2.1 ProceduraA — Fixed micrometer for measuring flat rigid surface coatings.

1.2.2 Procedura B — Fixed micrometer for measuring free film.

1.2.3 Program CHandheld micrometer for measuring coatings on flat rigid surfaces.

1.2.4 Program DHandheld micrometer for measuring free films.

1.3 Values expressed in SI units shall prevail. I valori indicati tra parentesi sono solo di riferimento.

Metodo di prova standard ASTM D1005-95-2020 per la misurazione dello spessore del film secco dei rivestimenti organici utilizzando il micrometro

1.4 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza, se presente, legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire una sicurezza adeguata, pratiche sanitarie e ambientali e per determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

1.5 This international Standard has been developed in accordance with the internationally accepted standardization principles established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guidelines and Recommendations issued by the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee of the World Trade Organization.

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