ASTM D5722-2014 Pratica standard per l'invecchiamento accelerato all'aperto di pannelli di fibra duri goffrati rivestiti in fabbrica utilizzando luce solare naturale concentrata e procedure di gelo-scongelamento del terreno

Significato e uso
5.1 The ability to quickly and accurately assess and predict the long-term weathering properties of plant applied coatings is important for making sound business and technical decisions.

5.2 It is important to include control samples of known field properties to determine the efficacy of the practice on specific substrates and coating systems. These control samples may include materials known to have acceptable and unacceptable field properties for the defects under consideration.

5.3 The results derived from this practice are better used to compare the relative properties of materials tested simultaneously in the same device.

5.4 The inclusion of control samples and their resulting data will help to deal with test variability caused by seasonal or annual changes in important climatic factors.

5.5 Extensive research was conducted in the development of this standard practice. The study showed that this approach was not useful for determining quantitative accelerators. Tuttavia, this test is useful as a comparison test.

5.6 It is recommended that control samples and samples be repeated at least twice for statistical evaluation of the results. For additional guidance on determining the number of repeats, see Practice G169.

ASTM D5722-2014 Pratica standard per l'invecchiamento accelerato all'aperto di pannelli di fibra duri goffrati rivestiti in fabbrica utilizzando luce solare naturale concentrata e procedure di gelo-scongelamento del terreno

Fare un passo 1: Scopo
1.1 This Practice includes techniques for accelerating the weathering effects of factory coated patterning hard fiberboard using the Practice G90’s 1st cycle (concentrated natural sunlight with periodic surface water spray) plus a soil-freeze-thaw cycle (vedere la sezione 5 of this Practice).

1.2 Tests performed using the methods described in this practice may be used for qualitative assessment of weathering effects. The relative durability of coated cardboard can be well determined by comparing their test results with those of control samples from real-time exposure test experience.

1.3 Values expressed in SI units or inch-pound units shall be treated separately as standard values. I valori indicati in ciascun sistema potrebbero non essere esattamente equivalenti; Perciò, ciascun sistema dovrebbe essere utilizzato in modo indipendente. La combinazione di valori di due sistemi può comportare la non conformità.

1.4 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza, se presente, legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire adeguate pratiche di sicurezza e salute e determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

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