ASTM D6590/D6590M-2020 Specifiche standard per nastro sensibile alla pressione per contenitori e serbatoi in fibra sigillati

This specification covers a pressure-sensitive tape for sealing and sealing slip-top containers, such as fibre tubes and metal cans. Mylar back pressure sensitive tape is designed to be used for sealing and sealing containers with sliding LIDS, such as spiral wound pipes and metal cans, where strength, resistenza all'acqua, water vapor resistance and rain resistance and other deterioration factors are required. The tape shall meet the specified physical performance requirements. The following test methods shall be performed to meet the specified requirements: adesione; Shear adhesion tensile thickness; Relax; Water permeability; Trasmittanza del vapore acqueo; And accelerate aging.

This summary is a brief summary of the reference standards. It is informational only and not a formal part of the standard; The full text of the standard itself needs to be used and applied for reference. ASTM provides no warranties, espresso o implicito, e non garantisce che il contenuto di questo abstract sia accurato, complete, or new.

ASTM D6590/D6590M-2020 Specifiche standard per nastro sensibile alla pressione per contenitori e serbatoi in fibra sigillati

Fare un passo 1: Scopo
1.1 This specification covers a pressure-sensitive tape for sealing and sealing slip-top containers, such as fibre tubes and metal cans.

1.2 Values expressed in inch-pounds or SI units shall be treated as standards separately. I valori specificati in ciascun sistema potrebbero non essere esattamente gli stessi; Perciò, each system needs to be used independently and the values cannot be combined in any way.

1.3 The following safety hazard warnings apply only to the Test Methods section of this specification: This standard is not intended to address all safety hazards associated with use. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire una sicurezza adeguata, specifiche sanitarie e ambientali e per determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

1.4 Questo standard internazionale si basa su principi di standardizzazione riconosciuti a livello internazionale stabiliti nella Decisione sui principi per lo sviluppo di standard internazionali, Linee guida e raccomandazioni emanate dall'OMC Ostacoli tecnici al commercio (TBT) Comitato.

ASTM D6590/D6590M-2020 Specifiche standard per nastro sensibile alla pressione per contenitori e serbatoi in fibra sigillati

2. Fare riferimento al dossier
Norma ASTM

D996 Termini ambientali relativi all'imballaggio e alla distribuzione

Test method for peel adhesion of D3330 / D3330M pressure sensitive tape

D3611 pressure sensitive tape accelerated aging practice

Test method for thickness of D3652 / D3652M pressure sensitive tape

Test method for shear adhesion of D3654 / D3654M pressure sensitive tape

D3715 / Pratica di garanzia della qualità del nastro sensibile alla pressione D3715M

Test method for breaking strength and elongation of D3759 / D3759M pressure sensitive tape

Test method for unwinding force of D3811 / D3811M pressure sensitive tape

Test method for water permeability of D3816 / D3816M pressure sensitive tape

Test method for water vapor transmittance of D3833 / D3833M pressure sensitive tape

D3951 Commercial packaging specification

D5570 used as a test method for water resistance of tapes and adhesives for box covers

ISO standard

ISO 9002

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