ASTM F1317-2019 Standard Test Method for Microwave Oven Calibration

This test method covers the required equipment, as well as the standard procedures and calculations involved in the calibration of microwave ovens designed for domestic and commercial use. It was developed to evaluate volatile and non-volatile components in the packaging of microwave receptors. Tuttavia, there is no accepted standard for estimating the bias of this test method.

This summary is a brief summary of the reference standards. It is informational only and not a formal part of the standard; The full text of the standard itself requires reference to its usage and scope of application. ASTM provides no warranties, espresso o implicito, e non garantisce che il contenuto di questo abstract sia accurato, complete, or new.

ASTM F1317-2019 Standard Test Method for Microwave Oven Calibration

Fare un passo 1: Scopo
1.1 This test method is applicable to microwave ovens designed for domestic and commercial use. It was developed to evaluate volatile and non-volatile components in the packaging of microwave receptors.

1.2 This test method is evaluated in conjunction with microwave ovens with a rated output power of 700 W.

1.3 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza associati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire una sicurezza adeguata, specifiche sanitarie e ambientali e per determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

1.4 Questo standard internazionale si basa su principi di standardizzazione riconosciuti a livello internazionale stabiliti nella Decisione sui principi per lo sviluppo di standard internazionali, Linee guida e raccomandazioni emanate dall'OMC Ostacoli tecnici al commercio (TBT) Comitato.

ASTM F1317-2019 Standard Test Method for Microwave Oven Calibration

2. Fare riferimento al dossier
Norma ASTM

E691 Pratica di conduzione di studi interlaboratorio per determinare l'accuratezza dei metodi di prova

F874 Microwave sensor temperature measurement and profile test method

F1308 Test method for determination of volatile extracts in microwave receptors for food

Test method for absorption of non-volatile ultraviolet (UV) extracts by F1349 microwave receptors

F1500 Test method for quantitative determination of non-UV absorbent non-volatile extracts in microwave receptors using a solvent as a food analog

F1519 Test method for qualitative analysis of volatile extracts in microwave receptors used to heat food

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