ASTM D 2240-2021 “Rubbereigenschappen – Standaard testmethode voor hardheid 1- (Diauroc) Hardheid tester”

Rubberen eigenschappen – Standaard testmethode voor hardheid 1- Testmethode omvat A, B, C, D, DOEN, E, M, O, OO, OOO, OOO-S and R 12 (Diauroch) hardness tests and procedures for determining the indentation hardness of substances according to the classification of rubber, net materials, elastic materials, thermoplastic materials and certain hard plastics.
Betekenis en doel
4.1 The test method is based on the penetration of a specific type of indentation when forced into the material under specific conditions. Indentation hardness is inversely proportional to penetration and depends on the elastic modulus and viscoelastic behavior of the material. The geometry of the indenter and the forces applied can affect the measurements, so there is no simple relationship between the measurements obtained using one hardness tester and those obtained using another hardness tester or other instruments used to measure hardness. The test method is an empirical test primarily used for control purposes. There is no simple relationship between the indentation hardness determined by this test method and any basic characteristics of the tested material. For specification purposes, it is recommended that test method D785 be used for materials other than those described in 1.1.

Reikwijdte van
1.1 The test method covers twelve types of rubber hardness measuring equipment called durometers: type A, B, C, D, DOEN, E, M, O, OO, OOO, OOO-S and R. Procedures for determining the indentation hardness of substances classified as thermoplastic elastomers, vulcanized (thermoset) rubber, elastomeric materials, porous materials, gel-like materials and certain plastics are also described.

1.2 This test method is not equivalent to other indentation hardness methods and instrument types, in particular those described in Test Method D1415.

1.3 This test method is not applicable to the test of coated fabrics.

1.4 Alle materialen, instruments or equipment used to determine mass, force or size shall be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology or other internationally recognized organization of a similar nature.

ASTM D 2240-2021 “Rubbereigenschappen – Standaard testmethode voor hardheid 1- (Diauroc) Hardheid tester”

1.5 Waarden uitgedrukt in SI-eenheden moeten als standaardwaarden worden beschouwd. De waarden tussen haakjes zijn alleen ter referentie. Many of the stated dimensions in SI were translated directly from the US customary system to fit instruments, praktijken, and procedures that existed prior to the 1975 Metric Conversion Act.

1.6 Deze norm is niet bedoeld om alle veiligheidsproblemen aan te pakken, indien aanwezig, die verband houden met het gebruik ervan. Het is de verantwoordelijkheid van de gebruiker van deze norm om de juiste veiligheid te garanderen, gezondheids- en milieupraktijken en om vóór gebruik de toepasbaarheid van wettelijke beperkingen vast te stellen.

1.7 Deze internationale norm is ontwikkeld in overeenstemming met de internationaal erkende standaardisatieprincipes die zijn vastgelegd in het Besluit over de beginselen voor de ontwikkeling van internationale normen, Richtlijnen en aanbevelingen uitgegeven door het Comité voor technische handelsbelemmeringen van de Wereldhandelsorganisatie.

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