ASTM D4236-16 Standaardpraktijk voor het labelen van kunstmaterialen met chronische gezondheidsrisico's


This practice describes standard procedures for developing preventative labels for art materials based on knowledge that exists in the scientific and medical communities to provide chronic health hazards and prevention instructions. These statements relate to hazards known to be associated with a product or product component when present in a physical form, volume, or concentration that toxicologists believe may cause chronic adverse health effects. This practice applies only to art materials packaged in sizes appropriate for individual users or people participating in groups of any age, and does not apply to products that are appropriately labeled for known chronic health hazards. Also, the practice does not prescribe tests to determine whether a substance or product may have adverse effects on chronic health. Labels should include signal word warnings, lists of potential chronic hazards, names of long-term hazardous ingredients, instructions for safe handling, lists of sensitive ingredients, sources of information, label contents and product sizes, and other supplementary information.

Deze samenvatting is een kort overzicht van de referentienormen. Het is alleen ter referentie en is geen officieel onderdeel van de standaard; Voor het gebruik en de toepassing ervan is verwijzing naar de volledige tekst van de standaard zelf vereist. ASTM geeft geen enkele garantie, expliciet of impliciet, en betekent niet dat de inhoud van deze samenvatting accuraat is, compleet of nieuw.

ASTM D4236-16 Standaardpraktijk voor het labelen van kunstmaterialen met chronische gezondheidsrisico's

Stap 1: Domein

1.1 This convention describes the procedure for developing preventative labels for artistic materials and provides hazard and preventive instructions based on the knowledge that exists in the scientific and medical communities. When a toxicologist considers that a component is present in physical form, volume, or concentration, this practice involves a known chronic health hazard associated with the product or product component (zien 2.1.11) that has the potential to produce chronic adverse health effects.

1.2 This practice applies only to art materials of any size packed for individual users or group participants of any age.

1.3 Label determination shall take into account reasonably foreseeable uses or misuse. The responsibility for preventative labeling lies with producers or repackers who sell materials for artistic or craft use.

1.4 This Practice does not specify test methods for determining whether a substance or product is a chronic health hazard.

1.5 This practice does not apply to products that are appropriately labeled for known chronic health hazards in accordance with labeling standards and practices for chemical substances, such as other national consensus standards, existing labeling regulations, regelgeving, or guidelines.

ASTM D4236-16 Standaardpraktijk voor het labelen van kunstmaterialen met chronische gezondheidsrisico's

1.6 Because knowledge about chronic health hazards is incomplete and warnings do not cover all uses of any product, preventive labeling cannot ensure complete safety in the use of art products.

1.7 Manufacturers or repackers may wish to determine preventative labelling of art materials individually or jointly in accordance with this practice. Compliance can be certified by a certification body. Appendix X1 provides guidelines for certification bodies.

1.8 Deze norm is niet bedoeld om alle veiligheidsproblemen aan te pakken, indien aanwezig, die verband houden met het gebruik ervan. Het is de verantwoordelijkheid van de gebruikers van deze norm om de juiste veiligheid te garanderen, gezondheids- en milieupraktijken en om vóór gebruik de toepasbaarheid van wettelijke beperkingen vast te stellen.

1.9 Deze internationale norm is gebaseerd op internationaal erkende standaardisatieprincipes die zijn vastgelegd in het Besluit over de beginselen voor de ontwikkeling van internationale normen, Guidelines and Recommendations issued by the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) van de Wereldhandelsorganisatie.

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