国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

国际标准化组织 (国际标准化组织) 是国家标准机构的全球联盟 (ISO成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已成立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员机构都有权在该委员会中派代表参加. 与 ISO 联络的国际政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (国际电工委员会) 关于电气标准化的所有问题.

用于开发本文件的程序以及用于进一步维护的程序在第 1 部分中进行了描述。 1 ISO/IEC 指令的. 尤其, 应注意不同类型ISO文件所需的不同批准标准. 本文件根据 ISO/IEC 指令部分的编辑规则起草 2 (请参阅 iso.org/directives).

请注意,本文档的某些元素可能受专利权保护. ISO 不负责识别任何或所有此类专利. 在文件准备过程中确定的任何专利权的详细信息将在 ISO 收到的专利声明的简介和/或列表中找到 (参见 iso.org/patents).

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”


与合格评定相关的特定 ISO 术语和表达的含义的描述, 以及有关 ISO 遵守 WTO 技术性贸易壁垒原则的信息 (技术性贸易壁垒), 请参阅以下网址: 前言 – 补充资料

负责本文件的委员会是 ISO/TC 172, 光学与光子学, 小组委员会SC 1, 基本标准.

第三版取消并取代第二版 (国际标准化组织 9022-1:2012), which has been revised to reflect changes made to the ISO 9022 series.

国际标准化组织 9022 在光学和光子学总标题下由以下部分组成 – 环境测试方法:

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

– 部分 1: 定义和测试范围

– 部分 2: 寒冷的, 热和湿

– 部分 3: 机械应力

– 部分 4: 盐雾

– 部分 6: 灰尘

– 部分 7: 抗滴水或雨淋

– 部分 8: 内压高, 内部压力低, 浸没

– 部分 9: 太阳辐射和风化

– 部分 11: 霉菌生长

– 部分 12: 污染

– 部分 14: 露, 霜, 冰

– 部分 17: 复合污染, 太阳辐射

– 部分 20: 含有二氧化硫或硫化氢的潮湿气氛

– 部分 22: 寒气结合, 干热或伴随颠簸或随机振动的温度变化

– 部分 23: 低压与冷结合, ambient temperature and dry or humid heat

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

光学仪器在使用过程中会受到许多不同的环境参数的影响, 需要在不显着降低性能并保持在规定规格范围内的情况下对其进行抵制.

这些参数的类型和严重程度取决于仪器的使用条件 (例如, 在实验室或车间) 及其地理位置. In tropical and subtropical climates, the effect of the environment on the performance of optical instruments is completely different from that found when used in the Arctic region. 每个参数都会对仪器的性能产生不同的重叠影响.

制造商尽力确保, 自然, 用户期望仪器能够耐受其整个生命周期中环境带来的严酷考验. 这种期望可以通过在受控实验室条件下将仪器暴露于一系列模拟环境参数来评估. 为了在相对较短的时间内取得有意义的结果,这些疾病的严重程度往往会增加.

评估和比较光学仪器对适当环境条件的响应, 国际标准化组织 9022 包含许多可靠模拟各种不同环境的实验室测试的详细信息. These tests are primarily based on IEC standards, modified if necessary to take into account the specific functions of the optical instrument.

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

由于各个领域的不断进步, 光学仪器不再只是精密设计的光学产品, but also include other components from other fields, 取决于它们的应用范围. 所以, 将评估仪器的主要功能,以确定应采用哪种国际标准进行测试. 如果光学功能很重要, 然后是ISO 9022 适用, 但如果其他功能优先, 那么应该在相关领域应用适当的国际标准. 在某些情况下,ISO 9022 和其他适当的国际标准需要同时适用.

1 范围
ISO的这一部分 9022 defines terms related to environmental testing of optical and photonic instruments, 包括其他领域的其他组件 (比如机械的, chemical and electronic devices), and specifies the essential characteristics of testing.

2 术语和定义
就本文件而言, 以下术语和定义适用.

2.1 Environmental test

Laboratory simulations, often severe, of climatic, 机械的, 生物, 电气 (包括静电) and chemical environmental effects acting on specimens during assembly, 贮存, transport and handling in order to identify any changes in specimen behaviour within a short period of time

2.2 Optical Instruments

Instruments whose functions are primarily based on optical phenomena, consisting of multiple components and/or assemblies, lighting systems, instruments with light conduction, and instruments containing components and/or assemblies from other fields in addition to optical units

例子: 电子元器件.

2.3 Optical Components

A functional unit consists of a number of components, at least one of which has an optical function

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

2.4 Components

&其; Optical Instruments > The smallest unit, usually consisting of one piece and one material

2.5 Representative Samples

Samples that differ from components only in geometry

例子: optical parts or sheet metal.

2.6 标本

An instrument, component, 集会, or representative sample being tested

2.7 测试

Procedure for determining and evaluating the effect of application parameters on sample characteristics

2.8 Regulation

The sum of the external influences acting on the specimen during the test, such as the method of adjustment and the severity of the application, and the sum of the internal influences arising from the operating state of the specimen, such as movement and/or temperature changes

2.8.1 Conditioning methods

Individual or combined environmental impacts of specimens submitted during testing

例子: Shock or damp heat.

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

2.8.2 Severity

Contains all the individual numbers of parameters required for the test

例子: 温度, 湿度, adjustment time.

笔记 1: The adjustment time (exposure time) is the minimum time when tolerances are not indicated in the relevant part of ISO 9022.

2.8.3 Running Status

Defines the state of the sample’s operating state during conditioning

笔记 1: Distinguish three operating states: operating state 0, operating state 1, and operating state 2. Operation Status 0

The condition of the specimen in the normal transport and/or storage container and/or transport package provided by the manufacturer respectively Operation Status 1

The condition in which the specimen is unprotected and ready for operation but not connected to a power source Operation Status 2

The state of the specimen during the test run for a period of time, which will be determined in the relevant specification

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

笔记 1: The mode of the operating state is given in the relevant specification. 操作过程中, check whether the sample is working properly.

2.9 Exams and tests

Determine the characteristics and functions of the sample for subsequent evaluation

笔记 1: There are three types of inspection and testing: visual inspection, functional testing and measurement.

2.9.1 Visual inspection

Inspection using the human eye as a detector

2.9.2 Function Test

Functional determination

国际标准化组织 9022-1-2016 “光学和光学仪器 – 环境测试方法 – 部分 1: 定义, 测试范围”

2.9.3 测量

To objectively determine the value of a physical quantity by comparing it with a specified quantity

2.10 Evaluation

Compare results measured during initial, intermediate and final tests or to specified tolerances

2.11 Related Specifications

Compile all data related to the sample and data required for testing

2.12 Environmental atmospheric conditions

Conditions are defined by a temperature range of 15 °C 至 35 ℃, with relative air humidity between 30% 和 85%

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