ASTM D 3806-98-2019 “Valutazione su piccola scala dei rivestimenti ritardanti di fiamma (2-Metodo del tunnel del piede)”

Significato e scopo
3.1 A number of laboratory procedures are used to evaluate the effectiveness of flame retardant and refractory treatments and coatings. Generalmente, these methods measure three stages of fire development: (1) ignition; (2) Flame spread (the growth rate of the fire); (3) Fire extent. While all three are extremely important, flame spread has been recognized as a major factor relevant for testing flame retardant coatings.

3.2 Flame spread rating based on test method E84 has gained general acceptance from regulatory authorities, but such large-scale testing is rarely practical during the development or modification of flame retardant-based coatings.

3.3 The test method provides the relative flame spread of the experimental coating using small specimens under conditions established in a 2-foot tunnel. By experimentally calibrating 2-foot tunnels with a similar test method E84 grade flame retardant paint, the results obtained from this test method can be used to screen the suitability of the coating for testing in test method E84 tunnels.

ASTM D 3806-98-2019 “Valutazione su piccola scala dei rivestimenti ritardanti di fiamma (2-Metodo del tunnel del piede)”

3.3.1 The test method is intended as an experimental tool for evaluating experimental coatings for further development. The results of this test method are not directly related to, or implied by, the results of the test method E84 tunnel.

3.3.2 The results obtained by this test method cannot by itself be used as an accurate predictor of the performance in test method E84 and shall not be used to certify any class of flame spread performance.

Ambito di applicazione
1.1 This test method determines the protection provided by the coating to its substrate and the comparative combustion characteristics of the coating by assessing the flame spread over the surface during ignition under controlled conditions in a small tunnel. This sets the stage for comparing the surface combustion characteristics of different coatings without specifically considering all end-use parameters that may affect the surface combustion characteristics under real fire conditions.

1.2 In addition to the experimental flame spread rate, panel weight consumed, time of combustion and afterglow, coke size and index, and expansion height can also be measured in this test. Tuttavia, a relationship between these measures should not be assumed.

1.3 This standard is used to determine certain fire test responses of materials, products or components to heat and flame under controlled conditions by using results obtained from fire test response standards. The results obtained using this standard do not in themselves constitute a measure of fire hazard or fire risk.

ASTM D 3806-98-2019 “Valutazione su piccola scala dei rivestimenti ritardanti di fiamma (2-Metodo del tunnel del piede)”

1.4 I valori espressi in unità SI sono da considerarsi standard. I valori indicati tra parentesi sono solo di riferimento.

1.5 Questo standard viene utilizzato per misurare e descrivere la reazione dei materiali, prodotti o componenti da riscaldare e fiammeggiare in condizioni controllate, ma non contiene di per sé tutti i fattori richiesti per il pericolo di incendio o per la valutazione del rischio di incendio dei materiali, prodotti o componenti in condizioni di incendio reali.

1.6 Fire testing is inherently dangerous. Appropriate personnel and property protection measures should be taken when these tests are carried out.

1.7 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza, se presente, legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità dell'utente di questo standard stabilire la sicurezza adeguata, pratiche sanitarie e ambientali e per determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

1.8 La presente norma internazionale è stata sviluppata in conformità con i principi di standardizzazione riconosciuti a livello internazionale stabiliti nella Decisione sui principi per lo sviluppo di norme internazionali, Linee guida e raccomandazioni emesse dal Comitato sugli ostacoli tecnici al commercio dell'Organizzazione mondiale del commercio.

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