B530-2014 “Metodo di prova standard per la misurazione dello spessore del rivestimento mediante metodo magnetico: Rivestimenti di nichel elettrodepositato su substrati magnetici e non magnetici”

Metodo di prova standard ASTM B530 per la misurazione magnetica dello spessore del rivestimento: Electrodeposited Nickel Coatings on Magnetic and non-magnetic Substrates includes non-destructive measurement of the thickness of electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic or non-magnetic substrates using a magnetic instrument.
Significato e uso

5.1 Lo spessore del rivestimento è generalmente importante per le sue prestazioni. This magnetic method is suitable for non-destructive measurement of thickness and specification acceptance of certain nickel coatings.

5.2 The method requires that the magnetic properties of the coating and its substrate be the same as those of the reference standard used for instrument calibration adjustment.

5.3 The method should not be used to determine the thickness of self-catalyzed deposited nickel-phosphorus alloys containing more than 8% P in steel. As long as the measurements are made prior to any heat treatment, those coatings are sufficiently non-magnetic for test method B499 to be suitable for the determination.

B530-2014 “Metodo di prova standard per la misurazione dello spessore del rivestimento mediante metodo magnetico: Rivestimenti di nichel elettrodepositato su substrati magnetici e non magnetici”

Fare un passo 1: Scopo

1.1 This test method includes non-destructive measurement of the thickness of an electrodeposited nickel coating on a magnetic or non-magnetic substrate using a magnetic instrument. It is intended to complement the manufacturer’s instructions on the operation of the instrument, not to replace them.

1.2 These instruments measure the magnetic attraction between the magnet and the coatingsubstrate combination (classificato come “magnetic pull-off”), or the change in magnetic flux density within the probe (classificato come “elettrone”).

1.3 For this test method, two types of coating-substrate combinations can be encountered: Digitare un, nickel coatings on magnetic substrates, and Type B nickel coatings on non-magnetic substrates.

1.4 The effective measurement range of instruments using the magnetic attraction principle is up to 50μm (2 mil) for type A coatings and up to 25μm (1 mil) for type B coatings. For gauges based on the principle of flux density variation, the effective range is much larger and measurements up to 1 mm (40 mil) or higher can be made on both types of coatings.

1.5 Measurements made in accordance with this test method shall comply with the requirements of ISO Standard 2361, printed in 1982.

1.6 I valori espressi in unità SI sono considerati standard. I valori indicati tra parentesi sono solo di riferimento.

1.7 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza, se presente, legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire adeguate pratiche di sicurezza e salute e determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

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