ISO 2493-2-1920 – Determination of the bending resistance of paper and paperboard – Parte 2: Taber type tester

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ISO 2493-2-1920 – Determination of the bending resistance of paper and paperboard – Parte 2: Taber type tester

Orice nume comerciale utilizate în acest document sunt furnizate pentru confortul utilizatorului și nu constituie o aprobare.

Voluntar, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (TBT) adhere to the principle of the world trade organization (WTO) information, please refer to the

This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 6, Hârtie, Board and Pulp, Subcomisia SC 2, Test Methods and Quality Specifications for Paper and board.

A doua ediție anulează și înlocuiește prima ediție revizuită tehnic (ISO 2493-2:2011). The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

Other data reported in Article 12;

Several editorial updates.

ISO 2493-2-1920 – Determination of the bending resistance of paper and paperboard – Parte 2: Taber type tester

A list of all the components in the ISO 2493 seria poate fi găsită pe site-ul ISO.

Any feedback or questions regarding this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

1 Gamă
This document specifies the steps for measuring the bending resistance of paper and paperboard using the Taber type tester.

This document is used to determine the bending moment required to deflector the free end of a 38 mm wide vertically clampdown specimen by 15° when a load is applied at a 50 mm bending length. For a circuit board that bends 15° and tends to permanently deform, you can use a semi-bending Angle, acesta este, 7,5 °. The bending resistance is expressed as the bending moment and parameters set by the manufacturer of the Taber tester.

This method is mainly used for paper with high gram weight.

Note that this document does not cover a lower range version of the Taber type instrument with a 10 mm bending length (see References [5]).

ISO 2493-2-1920 – Determination of the bending resistance of paper and paperboard – Parte 2: Taber type tester

2 referințe normative
Următoarele fișiere sunt menționate în text într-o manieră care constituie parțial sau toate cerințele acestui document. Pentru referințe datate, se aplică doar versiunea citată. Pentru referințe nedatate, o nouă versiune a referinței (inclusiv orice revizuiri) se aplică.

ISO 186, Hârtie și carton – prelevarea de probe pentru a determina calitatea medie

ISO 187, Hârtie, placă și pastă – Atmosfere standard pentru condiționare și testare și proceduri pentru monitorizarea atmosferelor și condiționarea probei

3 Termeni și definiții
În sensul prezentului document, se aplică următorii termeni și definiții.

3.1 Bending moment M

The torque required to bend a rectangular specimen clipped at one end is measured under the conditions specified in this document

Notă 1: The bending moment is expressed in millinewtonian meters (mN·m).

3.2 Flexural resistance B

The average bending moment (3.1) required to bend a rectangular specimen fixed to one end of the fixture is measured under the conditions specified in this document

Notă 1: Flexural resistance is expressed in millinewtonian meters (mN·m).

ISO 2493-2-1920 – Determination of the bending resistance of paper and paperboard – Parte 2: Taber type tester

3.3 Bending Angle α

The Angle at which the fixture rotates when it moves from its initial position to the position where the bending resistance (3.2) is measured

Notă 1: The bending Angle is 15° or 7.5° (see Article 10).

3.4 Bending Length

The radial distance between the fixture and the position where the force is applied on the sample under test is constant

3.5 Flexural index

Flexural resistance (3.2) divided by gram weight to the third power

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